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Although promising, further investigation in humans is required to substantiate BM-MNCs impact on erections, and erectile function recovery going forward. Clearly, PDE5i have revolutionized the treatment of ED in general and the neurogenic ED population is no exception. They remain safe and effective in most men with neurogenic ED; however, care must be taken in prescribing PDE5i to men high spinal cord lesions, MSA or possibly PD. VEDs are minimally-invasive and can be as effective as other modalities at leading to erection. However, high discontinuation rates are associated with VED use related to pain, difficulty using the device or cold penis. Intracavernosal therapy has been a mainstay of treatment for neurogenic tab viagra price ED and remains extremely successful in the SCI population. Trial of intracavernosal therapy for other causes of neurogenic ED can be considered second-line therapy, but there is a relative paucity of data for clinical outcomes related to its use outside of SCI men. Surgical therapy via penile implantation remains another second line approach and may also be utilized to assist men with bladder management. Higher complication rates of infections, and perforation have been reported compared to neurologically intact men. Many other compounds are currently being evaluated for the treatment of neurogenic ED as well as gene and stem cell therapy, but still should be considered investigational until substantiated by randomized controlled trials. Neurogenic ED remains difficult to diagnose and treat effectively. It is important to realize that many men with neurologic disorders may have ED related to disease related factors separate from the insult to the neuro-erectile pathway. These disease related factors must be addressed prior or simultaneously with pharmacologic and/or surgical therapy to effectively treat their SD. As awareness of the complexities of normal sexual function increase so will the recognition of SD in this population. This movement will lead to improved quality of life in men with neurologic disorders, as proven by the strong link between sexual function and quality of life. Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. AXOL THERAPY FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, ENHANCED SEXUAL PERFORMANCE NOW AVAILABLE AT COLORADO UROLOGY. BREAKTHROUGH, NON-INVASIVE TREATMENT CALLED AXOL THERAPY FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION AND ENHANCED SEXUAL PERFORMANCE NOW AVAILABLE AT COLORADO UROLOGY. Axol Softwave Therapy is a new treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) and for men who want enhanced sexual performance. The in-office treatment is non-invasive, safe, and effective with virtually no side effects. Axol Therapy is an alternative to ED medications, surgical implants, penile pumps, and injections. Denver, CO (February 24, 2020) The mens sexual health specialists at Colorado Urology now offer an exciting new treatment option for men living with erectile dysfunction (ED) called Axol Softwave Therapy. This safe and non-invasive treatment option is helping many men with ED achieve spontaneous and natural erections without the help of medications. The therapy can also be used to enhance a mans sexual performance. About 5 in 10 men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point in their lives. First-line therapies often include oral medication to help men achieve an erection. Now, Axol Therapy is providing a safe and effective alternative. This non-invasive procedure uses gentle full-spectrum, low-intensity sound waves that stimulate revascularization, a process in which new blood vessels form. Axol Therapy promotes improved blood flow to the penis, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the migration of the bodys stem cells for long-term healing. The new treatment is helping men to achieve natural erections without ED medications, pumps, injections, or penile implants. Learn about Axol Softwave Therapy at Colorado Urology: https://www.coloradouro.com/specialties/axol-softwave-therapy/. Axol Therapy is a modern approach to healing the body by using four types of energy: Heat, Electrohydraulic, Acoustic, and Light (HEAL). Unfocused acoustic waves are delivered to the shaft of the penis using a treatment wand that features a patented unfocused electrohydraulic acoustic wave. The pulsed acoustic waves are delivered through the skin into the tissue to open and repair aging blood vessels, stimulate new blood vessel growth, restore blood flow, and improve erectile quality. Axol Therapy typically takes only 20 minutes, once a week, for a total of six sessions in the physicians office. For men who are the right candidates, Axol Therapy is a safe and effective option without the side effects often experienced with oral medications. Most patients can get the quality, rigid erections they once had with Axol Therapys gentle acoustic pulse treatment within just six office visits. Incremental improvement in erectile function may be seen after just a few sessions. There are a number of significant benefits to Axol Therapy. For men who are candidates for this treatment option, a future without erectile dysfunction is perhaps the biggest one. The restoration of a mans vitality and spontaneous active sex life are also major benefits of this exciting new treatment. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection that is firm enough for sex. This condition is very common, and is actually the most frequent sexual health complaint from men of all ages. At Las Vegas Urology, our team of urologists is able to offer the complete spectrum of treatment for ED that you wont find anywhere else. Generally all symptoms of erectile dysfunction will contribute to an inability to develop or sustain an erection. If you experience erectile dysfunction in rare instances, and you have no other related health conditions, you should be able to manage your ED without much trouble. Such situations are completely normal, and should not warrant a significant amount of worry. However, if you begin to become concerned about erectile dysfunction and how much it is impacting your daily life, we encourage you to see a specialist. ED normally stems from two separate categories of physical and mental health issues. Most often, erectile dysfunction is the result of a physical problem. These can include a variety of different situations, but they typically relate to: Not having enough blood flow to the penis Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hardened arteries can all restrict the functions of an individuals circulatory system, which can prevent proper amounts of blood flow to certain areas of the body. It may also be difficult for an individual to keep blood in the penis long enough to sustain an erection. Problems with the nerve endings Damage to the pelvic region can often lead to damage of the nerves. Injury, cancer treatments, or even a disrupted signal from the brain can all cause these nerves to malfunction and diminish a persons senses. Side effects of medication There is always a risk to taking a medication, but some risks can impact sexual function both temporarily and long-term. Make sure to discuss all possible side effects to a new medication with your healthcare provider. Other cases of erectile dysfunction may be caused by emotional or psychological issues, such as: Stress Depression Anxiety Relationship problems Worry about poor sexual performance. It is certainly possible for both physical and mental factors to contribute toward a single patients erectile dysfunction. Many people with ED discover that a physical issue will lead to stress in a relationship or about sexual performance, which can make their erectile dysfunction even more difficult to deal with. This potentially endless circle can be generic viagra super active sildenafil 100mg broken by speaking with a doctor about your erectile dysfunction and what may be causing it to occur. Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction from Las Vegas Urology. Talking with a medical specialist is the first step in getting the proper treatment for erectile dysfunction. This process begins with a physical exam that can include a full analysis of your vascular system, nervous system, thyroid, prostate, and genitals. Once a patients particular cause of ED has been identified, our urologists will be able to give their expert recommendations on which type of treatment will offer the best solution for that individual. Common treatment options include: Shockwave therapy Psychological counseling Lifestyle changes Drug therapy Penile pumps Injections Penile implants. This simple therapeutic method involves a specialized device that delivers controlled electrical impulses to the patients penis. Though this may sound intimidating, shockwave therapy sessions are incredibly gentle and pain free. The electrical currents used during these sessions will help to clear away any plaque within the arteries that may be causing a blockage in blood flow to the penis. If viagra pill walgreens your physician suspects a psychological cause for erectile dysfunction, they may suggest treatment from a psychiatrist, psychologist, sex therapist, or marriage counselor. It is important to understand that counseling can many times identify and solve various underlying psychological issues causing erectile dysfunction. Such counseling may also be advised in combination with other solutions. When discussing lifestyle changes as an approach to correct erectile dysfunction, consideration of habits that may contribute to the condition need to be addressed. These include: Decreasing or limiting consumption of alcohol Dietary changes to reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol Eliminating the use of tobacco and illicit substances Losing weight Exercising regularly. Non-invasive treatments often include the use of oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Each of these medications are proven to improve blood flow to the penis to help produce and sustain an erection. Patients should still note that while these types of medications are often beneficial, they do not work for approximately 20 to 30 percent of men. A vacuum pump device may be prescribed as another type of non-invasive alternative. The pump device is placed over the penis and a vacuum mechanism is created to enhance the flow of blood into the penis. A rubber ring placed at the base of the penis helps to retain blood flow and keep the penis erect. These cannot be prescribed for patients with bleeding disorders, persons taking anti-coagulant medications, or those with sickle cell anemia. For this treatment, the patient or his partner injects medication directly into the base of the penis. The medication quickly relaxes muscle tissues and allows blood to flow into the penis to create an erection. If the above treatments are unsuccessful in managing symptoms of erectile dysfunction, buy viagra prescription your urologist may recommend a penile implant procedure. The implant, called a penile prosthesis, is contained within the body. Considerations for choosing the appropriate implant include a patients current quality of health, their viagra pill walgreens lifestyle, personal preference, and cost. To find which treatment option for erectile dysfunction is right for you, contact Las Vegas Urology today at (702) 316-1616. You can also request an appointment online by clicking here. Whatever is causing your ED, there is a treatment option that can provide a satisfying solution. If you try one of the treatment options listed and it doesnt work for you or you arent completely satisfied, dont be discouraged and give up hope. These treatment options have varying degrees of success for each man depending on the cause of the ED. Irreversible vessel or nerve damage may impact the success of some of these treatments. For example, oral medications dont work well for some men. 2 In fact, half of men who try oral medications give up on the pills or they stop working. 3 Its important to know all of your available options and discuss them with your doctor to determine which will be appropriate for you and your lifestyle. Oral medications : There are a number of prescription medications available that may improve blood flow to the penis. Combined with sexual stimulation, this can produce an erection. Vacuum erection devices : A hollow plastic tube is placed over the penis and a pump (hand/battery-powered) is used to create a vacuum that pulls blood into the penis. Once an erection is achieved, an elastic tension ring is placed at the base of the penis to help maintain the erection. Penile implants : A device is implanted into the penis that is intended to allow a man with ED to have an erection. The device is entirely contained in the body so no one is able to see it and is controlled by the user to achieve an erection. This treatment is designed to allow for spontaneity and the erection is maintained for as long as the man desires. Injections : With injection therapy, a needle is used to inject medication directly into the penis. The medication allows blood to flow into the penis, creating an erection. Intraurethral suppositories : An applicator containing a small pellet (suppository) is inserted in to the urethra and the pellet is released. The pellet dissolves and increases blood flow to the penis, creating an erection. www.auanet.org/content/ education-and-meetings/med-stu-curriculum/ed.pdf. Men with diabetes may require more aggressive treatment for erectile dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction after radical prostatectomy: prevalence, treatments, restricted use of treatments and distress. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Call Today to Speak with Erectile Dysfunction Expert Dr. With a central office in Encino, we are centrally located to men throughout the San Fernando Valley including Tarzana, Calabasas, Lake Balboa and Woodland Hills. The gold-standard in Shock Wave Therapy for ED & Peyronie's. At Simply Mens Health, we strive to help patients regain their sexual vitality with a variety of customizable treatment options. We can help you gain control of your sex life again by customizing the treatment to specific needs. This way, you do not have to sit viagra pill walgreens by and let the effects of aging hinder your quality of life. The first step to regaining sexual wellness and control is to schedule an appointment. Call us at 561-459-5356 to schedule an appointment and learn how our team can help you live your life to the fullest. From the moment patients walk in the door to any follow-up appointments, our team strives to create a welcoming and comfortable treatment environment. We understand that some men may not be sure where to start when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction and other issues. Fortunately, our treatment can help by offering a variety of sexual vitality treatment options. At Simply Mens Health, our team can provide testosterone and other hormone treatments to restore various factors of mens health. Patients in West Palm viagra next day Beach, Palm Beach, St Lucie, Broward and Miami Dade County can receive the customized treatment they need to function at their full capabilities when they want to. Call us at 561-459-5356 to learn about the multiple treatment options we have to benefit sexual wellness in men today. Our treatment options can help with various factors of sexual wellness and performance, such as the length of time, stiffness difficulty getting an erection and more. We can also help to treat hair loss that is a common side effect of aging in men. At Simply Mens Health, we can customize the treatment to meet the needs of the patient. Our services include erectile dysfunction treatment, male rejuvenation, RejuvaWave, stem cell therapy, platelet rich plasma treatment, male sexual wellness and more. During an initial appointment, we will examine the patients health and determine what form of treatment the patient needs. Call us at 561-459-5356 to schedule an appointment today. The patient needs to be honest with us and explain the specific issue they are struggling with. Once we understand the extent of the symptoms and examine the patients health, we will be able to customize a treatment plan. At Simply Mens Health, our team will take time to address any concerns and questions of the patient before beginning the treatment. Our team will also help patients in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, St Lucie, Broward and Miami Dade County with follow-up appointments when necessary. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Panel on Impotence as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.(1)It is the second most common disorder of male sexual dysfunction, with nearly 30 million men affected in the United States.(2)The causes of ED broadly are psychogenic and organic (physical), but many patients have a multifactorial etiology. Organic sildenafil pills for sale causes of ED can include vascular, endocrine, and neurologic problems.(3) Although ED may have deleterious effects on quality of life, it remained largely an underdiagnosed disorder until recently because many men were reluctant and sometimes embarrassed to address this sensitive issue with their physician.(3)Furthermore, the treatment of ED was limited to injectable products or marginally effective oral therapy. With the availability of effective oral therapy and greater public awareness, more patients are seeking medical help and are asking for effective medication therapy. The purpose of this article will be to review the major drugs used to treat ED. Physiology of Erection A good understanding of erectile physiology is necessary in order to understand how medications used to treat ED work. An erection is a vascular process controlled by the central nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system activation induces erectile tissue contraction, which reduces blood flow through the corpora cavernosa, increases blood flow outside the penis, and results in a flaccid penis. Inhibition of sympathetic tone occurs with sexual stimulation, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation and vasodi-latation in the penile tissue. Smooth muscle relaxation increases blood flow through the corpora cavernosa, leading to penile rigidity and erection. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important neurotransmitter involved in erection. NO release in response to sexual stimuli by endothelial and neural cells catalyzes the production of cyclic guano-sine monophosphate (cGMP), which promotes penile smooth muscle dilatation. Other neurotransmitters thought to be involved in the erectile mechanism include prostaglandins, vasoactive intestinal peptide, serotonin, and dopamine. Many drugs used to treat ED work by modulation of these neurotransmitters. Pharmacologic Treatment The 2 principal drugs used to treat ED are sildenafil and alprostadil; however, treatment can include the use of yohimbine, trazodone, papaverine, phentolamine, androgens, or bromo-criptine.
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