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There were recent changes to the labeling of sildenafil regarding concomitant use in patients receiving ?-blockers. 37 One study assessed concomitant administration of the nonselective ? 1 -blocker doxazosin with sildenafil in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy who had been taking ?-blockers for at least 8 weeks. Doxazosin is given for both hypertension and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Two of 20 patients receiving 4 mg doxazosin and 50 mg sildenafil developed symptomatic hypotension. Interestingly, no (0/20) patients receiving 4 mg doxazosin and 100 mg sildenafil had symptomatic hypotension. Also, the 25-mg dose of sildenafil, when coadministered with 4 mg doxazosin, was not associated with hypotension. The label precaution (not contraindication) now advises that 50 or 100 mg sildenafil should not be taken within a 4-hour window of ?-blocker administration. A 25-mg dose of sildenafil may be taken at any time in relation to an ?-blocker. Tadalafil is contraindicated in patients taking ?-blockers except for 0.4 mg tamsulosin (? 1a -blocker). In 1 study, 39 20 mg tadalafil augmented the hypotensive effect of 8 mg doxazosin with a mean maximal decrease in standing systolic blood pressure that was greater suhagra 25 mg tablet price than placebo (mean difference of 9.8 mm Hg). The number of subjects with a standing systolic blood pressure of 39 0.4 mg tamsulosin was given with 10 or 20 mg tadalafil. In subjects taking this ?-blocker, tadalafil produced mean maximal reductions in standing systolic blood pressure that were similar to those seen with placebo (mean difference of 1.7 mm Hg with 10 mg tadalafil and of 2.3 mm Hg with 20 mg tadalafil). Furthermore, none of the subjects receiving tamsulosin plus tadalafil dropped their standing systolic blood pressure to 19,40 and carries the label warning that it should be avoided in patients with congenital QT prolongation and patients taking class IA (eg, quinidine, procainamide) or class III (eg, amiodarone, sotalol) antiarrhythmic medications. Tadalafil 20,41 and sildenafil 37 do not carry this statement. To date, there have been no known cases of torsade de pointes in patients receiving PDE5 inhibitors. In our experimental animal studies of acute coronary artery occlusion, administration of sildenafil was not associated with an increase in ventricular arrhythmia. 42 Additional details on QT interval may be found in the online supplement to this article. Studies with sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil showed that when these agents were given to patients with coronary artery disease during exercise stress testing, there was no exacerbation of ischemia compared with placebo. 43–46 A very important aspect of these studies was that the level of exercise was similar to or exceeded that achieved during sexual intercourse. In a few of these studies, sildenafil 43 and vardenafil 45 actually appeared to have a beneficial effect on exercise-induced ischemia. A study performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory by Hermann et al 14 observed that when oral sildenafil was administered to patients with severe coronary artery disease, it had no adverse effects on coronary artery diameter or coronary artery flow velocity and actually improved coronary artery vasodilator reserve induced by adenosine. Halcox et al 47 demonstrated a slight vasodilating effect of sildenafil on epicardial coronary arteries. The effects of vardenafil and tadalafil on coronary artery hemodynamics are unknown at this time. Do PDE5 Inhibitors Cause Myocardial Infarction or Death? After the initial release of sildenafil, there were anecdotal reports of myocardial infarction and death. However, sexual activity itself may be associated with a small but definite increase in risk of myocardial infarction. 48 Patients with ED are more likely to have risk factors for coronary artery disease (such as age ?45, smoking, lipid abnormalities, diabetes, hypertension, and lack of physical activity) or have frank heart disease. 6–8,49 Analysis of double-blind, randomized, controlled studies and open-label studies did not show an increase in the rates of myocardial infarction or death in patients receiving sildenafil versus placebo or when compared with age-matched expected events. 2,50–55 Similar results have been reported with tadalafil 20,21 and vardenafil. 56 Postmarketing surveys in the United Kingdom 54 and in the United States, including 1 by the FDA, 52 did not show a rate of myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, or mortality in men who took sildenafil to be greater than expected than in an age-matched population. In fact, death rates tended to be less in the population taking sildenafil (perhaps suggesting that healthier men were receiving the drug). Postmarketing data regarding cardiovascular event rates in men taking vardenafil or tadalafil have yet to be reported and will be important. PDE5 inhibitors have potential therapeutic use for a number of cardiovascular disorders, including pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and endothelial dysfunction. There are currently 3 PDE5 inhibitors available for the treatment of ED. All are effective in patients with organically based ED, including ED due to vascular disease. Sildenafil and vardenafil have relatively short half-lives of ?4 hours, whereas the half-life of tadalafil is 17.5 hours. These agents are all mild vasodilators and have minimal effects on blood pressure. Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are all contraindicated with nitrate use. Should a patient develop chest pain while taking sildenafil or vardenafil, nitrate may be administered under supervision at 24 hours (and possibly earlier); should a patient take tadalafil and develop chest pain, nitrate may not be given until at least 48 hours after the tadalafil dose and then again, only under close monitoring. ?-Blockers are a contraindication to the use of vardenafil. Except for 0.4 mg tamsulosin, ?-blockers are a contraindication to the use of tadalafil. Sildenafil >25 mg should not be given within 4 hours of an ?-blocker. Doses of sildenafil of 25 mg may be administered at any time in relation to an ?-blocker. Vardenafil should not be administered to patients taking class IA or III antiarrhythmic drugs or to patients with congenital QT prolongation. The PDE5 inhibitors do not adversely affect total exercise time or time to ischemia during exercise stress testing. The PDE5 inhibitors are safe to administer to patients taking antihypertensive medicines (except for the ?-blockers, as described earlier). The PDE5 inhibitors are effective for the treatment of ED in patients with cardiac disease, including patients with chronic coronary artery disease 57 and hypertension. Data from controlled clinical trials do not suggest an increase in myocardial infarction or death rates in patients taking PDE5 inhibitors. These agents appear safe and effective in most patient populations but have not been studied extensively in patients with baseline severe or unstable cardiac conditions. An online-only Data Supplement is available at http://www.circulationaha.org. Dr Kloner is a compensated speaker for and consultant to Pfizer, Bayer-GSK, and Lilly ICOS, and receives research support from Lilly ICOS. If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. Viagra is a well-known drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This is a distressing and common condition in which a man is not able to achieve or maintain a full penile erection. Research indicates that erectile dysfunction affects over 12 million men in the United States each year. Although the frequency of this problem increases with age, it is not confined to older adults. There are many alternatives to Viagra that can improve or reverse the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. These options include drugs, medical treatments, lifestyle changes, and alternative remedies. This article introduces the options available for treating erectile dysfunction. There are several alternatives to Viagra available to men with erectile dysfunction. Share on Pinterest There are many alternative oral medications to viagra. Oral drugs, including Viagra, are frequently the first course of treatment for men with erectile dysfunction. Alternative, prescription-only PDE5 inhibitors to Viagra include: Vardenafil: Sold under the brand names Levitra and Staxyn, this drug is available in tablet and disintegrating tablet form. To be effective, take vardenafil one hour before sex. Tadalafil: Available under the brand names Adcirca and Cialis, take tadalafil between 1 to 2 hours before sex. as Stendra, take avanafil tablets 15 to 30 minutes before sex. Alternatives to oral medications include: Penile self-injections: Ceratin medications, such as alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine, can be injected directly into the side or base of the penis. These can help achieve or maintain an erection for up to 40 minutes. Urethral suppository: Very small alprostadil suppositories can be placed in the penile urethra using a special applicator. This stimulates an erection within 10 minutes that can last for up to 60 minutes. Testosterone replacement: A doctor may suggest this treatment for men whose erectile dysfunction is linked to low levels of testosterone. The testosterone hormone can be delivered by a variety of methods, including injection, patch, or oral medication. There may be some men for whom medication is unsuitable, either because of other medical conditions or another reason. In these situations, other medical treatments may be suggested. Vacuum erection devices are hollow tubes also known as penis pumps. They are attached to a hand- or battery-operated pump and work by drawing blood into the penis. They help a man to achieve an erection that he can maintain using a tension ring. Implants are inflatable or bendable rods that are surgically implanted into the erection chambers of the penis. Doctors will usually only recommend this type of treatment as a last resort. A qualified healthcare professional must deliver these treatments. Several dietary supplements, herbal preparations, and food products are sold as remedies for erectile dysfunction. Some alternative herbal treatments, which have shown positive results in small studies, are also available. Some herbs that are generally considered to be safe and are available to purchase online include: However, be careful when purchasing or consuming any alternative products, including those that claim to be herbal versions of Viagra. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued several statements warning consumers about the safety of such goods. They say these products may contain hidden synthetic chemicals or other ingredients that could be harmful. There has not been enough research to support the usage of these supplements fully. According to the FDA, lab tests show that nearly 300 of the supplements or foods marketed to enhance sexual function contain undisclosed drug ingredients. Any person using a supplement must let their doctor know. Herbs are not monitored by the FDA for quality or purity. Choose your brand/products after doing research on the company. Cialis vs Viagra - What's the difference between them? Cialis and Viagra are both PDE5 inhibitors used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Cialis lasts for around 36 hours compared with only 4 to 5 hours for Viagra. Food does not affect the activity of Cialis, whereas food may decrease the effectiveness of Viagra. Cialis can be used once daily, at a smaller dosage, and is also effective at treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Dosage of Cialis may need to be reduced in men with liver or kidney problems and risk of interactions may be higher than with Viagra. What ingredients are contained in Cialis or Viagra and how do they work? Cialis is the brand name for tadalafil and Viagra is the brand name for sildenafil. 1,2 Both belong to a class of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. PDE5 inhibitors work only in the presence of sexual stimulation, as they rely on the natural release of nitric oxide (NO), a chemical only released during sexual arousal. NO in turn activates other substances to relax the smooth muscle inside the penis to allow the inflow of blood and an erection to occur. Which drug was first approved and which one lasts for longer? On March 27 th , 1998, Viagra became the first oral pill, and the first PDE5 inhibitor, to be approved by the FDA to treat ED. 4 A generic for Viagra was approved in March 2016 5 and released in December 2017. Cialis was first approved for ED on November 21st, 2003. 6 It was the third PDE5 inhibitor to come onto the market (after Levitra [vardenafil]). 7 Cialis has an advantage over Viagra and Levitra in that it lasts for a lot longer – 36 hours, compared with 4-5 hours for Viagra and Levitra. 1,2,7 A generic for Cialis was approved in May 2018 11 and released in September 2018. How quickly do Cialis and Viagra work and does food have any effect. Cialis generally works within 16 to 45 minutes, and its activity is not affected by food. Viagra generally works within 30 minutes, and its effect may be diminished if taken soon after a high fat meal (which may also delay how fast it works). For this reason, Viagra is best taken on an empty stomach.
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