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Of the 979 participants who entered the sildenafil long-term extension study, 584 (60%) completed all 4 years. Reasons for discontinuation, other than insufficient clinical response and treatment-related adverse event (AE), included AE unrelated to treatment, protocol violation, loss to follow-up, and other (eg, loss of interest in participation in a clinical study, loss of sexual partner, and ability to afford sildenafil after approval [thus, no longer needing to participate in a clinical study to obtain the medication]). N for the satisfaction question (“Are you satisfied with the effect of treatment on your erections?”) is equal to the number of men who answered. *Some of the discontinued subjects supplied satisfaction data. At the time the study started, the FDA stated that there were sufficient routine safety data on sildenafil to make collection of standard adverse event data unnecessary. Therefore, only serious adverse events and adverse events leading to changes in dosing or to temporary or permanent discontinuation were recorded and evaluated by the investigators for relatedness to sildenafil treatment. Because the major focus of this study was safety, and it was designed before the development and validation of patient-reported outcomes to assess satisfaction with the quality of erection (eg, Quality of Erection Questionnaire (Porst et al 2007)) or satisfaction with ED treatment (eg, the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (Althof et al 1999)), effectiveness was assessed by asking, at yearly intervals or at discontinuation, simple, unvalidated general efficacy questions, “Are you satisfied with the effect of treatment on your erections?” and “If yes, has treatment improved your ability to engage in sexual activity?” The second question was based on the ED definition of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference: “…inability to attain and/or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.” (NIH Consensus Conference. NIH Consensus Development Panel on Impotence 1993). Overall, 979 men initially agreed to participate in the study, most of whom were white (89%) and whose mean age was 58 years ( Table 1 ). The duration of the double-blind trials plus initial open-label extension was 0.9 to 1.2 years (48–60 weeks). Median duration of participation in the open-label, long-term extension study was 4 years, the median number of doses taken was 420 (range, 1–1469) ( Figure 2 ), and the preferred dose was 100 mg in more than 88% of the men. The retention rate was 84% (818/979) the first year, 75% (731/979) the second year, and 66% (648/979) the third year; the entire 4-year extension study was completed by 584 of the initial 979 men (60%) ( Figure 1 ). Reasons for discontinuation included loss of interest in participation in a clinical study, loss of sexual partner, loss to follow-up, ability to afford sildenafil after approval (thus, no longer needing to participate in a clinical study to obtain the medication), insufficient clinical response, and adverse events. Usage of flexible-dose (25, 50, and 100 mg) sildenafil over 2–1561 days by the 979 participants who entered the study. Age, mean (range) years 58.2 (27–82) Weight, mean (range) kg 89.2 (53.5–158.8) Race, n (%) White 873 (89.2) Black 68 (6.9) Asian 8 (0.8) Other 30 (3.1) ED duration, mean (range) years 4.5 (0.1–35.8) ED etiology, % organic/mixed/psychogenic 72/17/11 Common concomitant medical conditions, n (%) Hypertension 272 (27.8) Diabetes mellitus 213 (21.8) Hyperlipidemia 139 (14.2) History of ischemic heart disease 83 (8.5) Tolerability. Over the 4-year study period, 37 (3.8%) of the men had 1 or more adverse events that led to changes in dosing or to temporary or permanent discontinuation and were determined by the investigators to be treatment-related ( Table 2 ). Of the 47 events, headache and dyspepsia were most common (n = 10 each), followed by rhinitis (n = 6), flushing (n = 5), abnormal vision (n = 4), dizziness (n = 3), and 1 report each of mild palpitations, moderate tachycardia, diarrhea, nausea, myalgia, hypertonia, respiratory disorder, conjunctivitis, and photophobia. Of the few cardiovascular events determined by the investigator to be treatment related (4 cases of mild flushing and 1 each of moderate flushing, mild palpitations, and moderate tachycardia), only 1 led to permanent discontinuation. In this case the man experienced mild flushing with the first dose of sildenafil 100 mg but continued therapy after a dose reduction. After 629 days of therapy, at which time his dosage was once again 100 mg, he permanently discontinued sildenafil because of the flushing. Two other cardiovascular events led to temporary discontinuation (mild flushing and moderate tachycardia), and the remainder were addressed with a change in dosing. Of the 149 serious adverse events that occurred during the 4 years of the study, including 18 acute myocardial infarctions, none were considered by the investigator to be treatment related. Adverse events that led to changes in dosing or to temporary or permanent discontinuation. Adverse events (AEs) in 979 men Treatment-related a All causality Patients with AEs, n (%) 37 (3.8) 210 (21.5) Discontinued because of AEs, n (%) 11 (1.1) 55 (5.6) Most frequent (?0.5%) AEs, n (%) Headache 10 (1.0) 10 (1.0) Dyspepsia 10 (1.0) 12 (1.2) Rhinitis 6 (0.6) 6 (0.6) Flushing 5 (0.5) 5 (0.5) Coronary artery disorder 0 24 (2.5) Prostatic disorder 0 16 (1.6) Carcinoma 0 14 (1.4) Myocardial infarction 0 11 (1.1) b Arthritis 0 9 (0.9) Bone fracture accidental 0 9 (0.9) Accidental injury 0 7 (0.7) Cerebrovascular disorder 0 7 (0.7) Atrial fibrillation 0 6 (0.6) Cholecystitis 0 6 (0.6) Sepsis 0 5 (0.5) Heart failure 0 5 (0.5) Gastrointestinal carcinoma 0 5 (0.5) Bone disorder 0 5 (0.5) Each treatment year, less than 1% of the men who started the year discontinued sildenafil because of treatment-related adverse events, for a total of only 11 (1.1%) of the original 979 participants over the 4 years of the study ( Table 3 ). Discontinuations were caused by dyspepsia (n = 4), rhinitis (n = 2), abnormal vision plus headache (n = 1), dyspepsia plus rhinitis (n = 1), and flushing, dizziness, and myalgia (n = 1 each). Percentage of participants who discontinued, (n/N) a Study year Treatment-related adverse event Insufficient response Other reasons (not treatment related) 1 0.5 (5/979) 2.2 (22/979) 13.7 (134/979) 2 0.2 (2/818) 2.3 (19/818) 8.1 (66/818) 3 0.1 (1/731) 1.9 (14/731) 9.3 (68/731) 4 0.5 (3/648) 1.1 (7/648) 8.3 (54/648) Effectiveness. Of the 979 men who participated in the study, 932 (95%) were analyzed for efficacy. At the completion of each year, at least 94% of the annually decreasing number of participants reported satisfaction with the effect of sildenafil treatment on their erections, with only a 3.3 percentage point variation across the 4 yearly assessments ( Table 4 ). Almost all of these men reported improved ability to engage in sexual activity. Percentage of participants (n/N) a Study year Satisfied with treatment effect on erections Improved ability to have sexual activity End of year End of year 1 98.1 (806/822) 99.6 (803/806) 2 96.6 (672/696) 99.9 (671/672) 3 94.8 (551/581) 99.6 (549/551) 4 96.3 (550/571) 100 (550/550) Each treatment year, less than 3% of the men who started the year discontinued sildenafil treatment because of insufficient clinical response. Over the 4 years of the study, only 62 (6.3%) of the original 979 participants discontinued because of insufficient response ( Table 3 ). There are numerous data published on the efficacy and safety of sildenafil treatment for ED. Before approval, sildenafil was evaluated in 18 phase II/III double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, in which men with ED were randomized to receive treatment with sildenafil (n = 2722) or placebo (n = 1552) for up to 6 months (Morales et al 1998). Pooled data from these trials demonstrated that sildenafil is a well-tolerated oral therapy for ED (Morales et al 1998). Adverse events were mostly transient and mild to moderate in severity and included most commonly headache, flushing, dyspepsia, and rhinitis. The rate of discontinuation because of adverse events was low and comparable between patients who received sildenafil and those who received placebo. A more recent retrospective analysis, in which data were pooled from 35 Pfizer-sponsored double-blind trials involving 4819 patients who received sildenafil and 3296 patients who received placebo, supports the conclusions of the earlier pooled data but also found that sildenafil is well tolerated among patients taking antihypertensive medications, including those on multidrug regimens (Padma-Nathan et al 2002). Pooled data also support the efficacy of sildenafil; results from 11 double-blind, flexible-dose, placebo-controlled trials that included a total of 2,667 men ages 23 to 89 years with ED of broad-spectrum etiology show significantly improved erectile function for sildenafil compared with placebo as measured by the International Index of Erectile Function, a global efficacy question, and a patient-recorded event log of sexual activity (Carson et al 2002). More than 300 million men worldwide are expected to experience erectile dysfunction by 2025. More than 300 million men worldwide are expected to experience erectile dysfunction by 2025. As the last patents on the erectile dysfunction drug run out, interest in finding new treatments has been renewed. A re we witnessing the end of an era for Viagra and Pfizer? Since the famous “little blue pill” exploded on to the market in 1998, becoming the fastest selling drug in history, the American pharmaceutical giant has made vast sums marketing it to erectile dysfunction sufferers all over the world. Within three months of its launch, Viagra had already earned Pfizer $400m, and over the past two decades, it has consistently generated annual sales to the tune of $1.8bn. However, this will soon come to an end, as in 2020, Pfizer’s remaining patents on Viagra expire for good. A whole host of generic versions have emerged in the past six years, often in quirky forms such as mint strips or breath sprays, as Pfizer’s grip on the rights to the drug has slowly loosened. Soon, these are expected to flood the market, as manufacturers jostle for a slice of the pie. This will make Viagra more accessible and cheaper, but for the millions of men worldwide with erectile dysfunction, it could also spell good news in the form of much needed treatment innovations. Since Viagra was launched, few genuinely novel therapies have been developed, and while Viagra and similar drugs like Cialis and Levitra – which all increase blood flow to the penis by blocking an enzyme known as PDE5 – are effective in around 70% of patients, they come with significant downsides. To start with, there are often prominent side-effects ranging from headaches to stomach pain. In addition, with Viagra taking more than an hour to work, there’s the need to pre-plan intercourse, and in the case of older patients, the drugs can often be unsuitable due to potentially dangerous interactions with medications for high blood pressure, or hypertension. For patients with the most severe forms of erectile dysfunction, often resulting from nerve damage due to diabetes or prostate cancer surgery, Viagra typically doesn’t work at all. The need for better treatments is particularly pressing as erectile dysfunction appears to be getting more common, with the global prevalence set to pass 300 million by the middle of the next decade. Scientists have long argued about whether this is simply due to men becoming more open in reporting their problems, or a by-product of other health problems. GTN could potentially be applied directly to the penis as a gel or cream, with near instantaneous results. “There’s a huge need for new treatments which work in the widest patient population possible while having a longer-acting effect to improve spontaneity and reduce the stress of having to take them on a planned basis,” says Dr Samit Soni, a urologist at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. “Many patients would like to be able to take something and then not have to worry about it for 30 days.” But right now, there are few options. The only alternatives to Viagra consist of medications which need to be injected directly into the shaft of the penis in order to improve blood flow, or complex surgery to fit penis pumps or prosthetic implants. While a handful of pharma companies have attempted and failed to get rival drugs into the clinic, the sheer scale of the Viagra profit machine created a monopoly, with most companies shying away from the challenge, perceiving it as too much of a risk. “For many years after Viagra was developed, little changed in our understanding of erectile dysfunction and how to correct it,” says Soni. “But with the patent expiration there’s definitely a renewed interest in alternative pathways for treating erectile dysfunction, and using them to develop new ideas that can be patented, and viagra 50 mg for sale provide a sustainable profit to the industry.” Technicians put Viagra into blister packs at the Pfizer laboratory in Amboise, France, 1999. Photograph: Raphael Gaillarde/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images. In the early 2000s, scientists at Futura Medical, a pharmaceutical company in Surrey, came across stories of a heart disease medication that appeared to accidentally induce erections. “There were some anecdotal reports of people deliberately spraying this product on to their penises,” says Ken James, head of research and development at Futura. “These observations had been reported in the scientific literature, and the company thought there might be a commercial opportunity.” The reported effects were due to a particular molecule known as glyceryl trinitrate or GTN, which causes the dilation of blood vessels in the penis, increasing blood flow. But the reason why Futura were so intrigued was because, while Viagra, Cialis and other drugs have to be taken orally – meaning they reach the target area via the bloodstream and so interact with other systems in the body – GTN could be rapidly absorbed into erectile tissue through the skin. This meant that it could potentially be applied directly as part of a gel or cream, with almost instantaneous results and none of the troublesome side effects associated with Viagra. “Viagra and Cialis are quite effective drugs but 50% of people stop using them within a year,” says James. “60-70% of people have some degree of dissatisfaction with them. This shows there’s an opportunity if we can come to market with something that addresses many of those concerns.” Over the past decade, Futura have developed a GTN-based gel called Eroxon which appears to be capable of inducing an erection in patients with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction in five to 10 minutes. Already dubbed the new Viagra by some, it seems to have the potential to be the first genuinely novel treatment for erectile dysfunction in two decades, and Futura have even tentatively placed its potential commercial value at $1bn. After investors showed a renewed interest in backing novel treatments for erectile dysfunction, Futura completed a clinical trial of 232 patients last year, and have now embarked on a final phase III trial of 1,000 patients to be completed by the end of 2019. If this succeeds, Eroxon could become available clinically within the next couple of years, although urologists remain cautious. “The biggest question from that phase III trial will be how they compare in clinical efficacy to Viagra,” says Soni. “In the past, we’ve seen that it’s difficult to get similar efficacy with topical administration, but at the same time, our understanding of how drugs can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream has massively improved.” Tackling the most severe cases. But even Futura’s scientists admit that Eroxon is unlikely to help the severest cases of erectile dysfunction, which affect around 20-30% of patients, typically due to nerve damage in the lower abdomen. In the past there have been few options for these people, but over the past five years, the renewed interest in erectile dysfunction has seen research programmes dedicating more time and money to clinical trials of a technology known as shockwave therapy. Unlike Viagra or Eroxon, this attempts to reverse the problems which cause the dysfunction by passing low-intensity sound waves through erectile tissue. Desperation has pushed many into private clinics that offer shockwaves, stem cell infusions or injections of plasma. Scientists are still not entirely sure how or why it works, but so far they think it leads to a form of regeneration of the erectile tissue, promoting the growth of new blood vessels and clearing plaque from existing vessels. “Improving the function of these vessels leads to improved blood flow and erections in those patients,” explains Georgios Hatzichristodoulou, who researches shockwave therapy at the University of Wurzburg in Germany. However, because there is such a wide spectrum of causes of erectile dysfunction, shockwave therapy is currently only known to work in a subset of these patients, particularly those where the damage has resulted from diabetes or hypertension. Hatzichristodoulou points out that there remains a need for further data, with a series of trials of shockwave therapy currently going on in Europe and the US. But compared to Viagra or Eroxon, one of the great promises of the treatment is that it would not be needed on a regular basis. Instead, patients could simply undergo maintenance therapy at half-yearly or annual intervals. Most tantalisingly, in attempting to restore the natural function of the penis, it points towards an eventual cure, a hope which may yet be realised in years to come. Even when Viagra works, one of the problems for people who need to take it indefinitely is that it becomes less effective over the course of months or years. Most patients will experience a worsening of their erections after they’ve been on Viagra for a while,” says Hatzichristodoulou. “They take Viagra for five, six, 10 years, and some days they feel that there is little improvement in function.” Desperation has pushed many patients towards unscrupulous private clinics around the world, who promise an ultimate cure, offering treatments like shockwaves, stem cell infusions and injections of platelet-rich plasma on an unregulated basis. But all of these therapies are highly experimental – as an example, shockwave therapy is currently only approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to stimulate wound healing, as scientists are still working on establishing the best doses for efficacy and investigating long-term safety. Pele appears in a magazine advert endorsing Viagra, circa 2000. “There’s some particularly compelling data on shockwave therapy, especially in certain patients,” says Soni. “But it is still in an early phase.” While scientists hope that shockwave therapy may be ready for primetime within the next five to 10 years, progress is also being made on longer-term treatments such as gene therapy which could offer a complete cure. At the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in northern California, a group of scientists have identified a genetic switch which is thought to be unique to sexual function. They believe that this switch plays a crucial role in controlling the brain signals which initiate an erection, and new genome editing technologies such as Crispr-Cas9 could one day allow scientists to reactivate this switch in patients. “This genetic location is part of a pathway which is involved in a number of different systems in the body, from pigmentation to weight to sexual function,” explains project leader Eric Jorgenson. “But what is exciting about this, is that it seems to be very specific to sexual function, which would make it possible to target this location and not disturb anything else in the body. We need to understand the exact part of the brain where this switch is active, and then try targeting it in mice.” Because genome editing is still such an experimental concept, Jorgenson says it will take time for regulators to become confident that it could be safe. “The first uses of Crispr-like technology will probably be in patients where there’s more of a direct medical need for experimental therapies,” he says. “You’d need to have a very safe treatment before people will allow it for erectile dysfunction.” While gene therapy may be a little way off, there are still new treatments on the horizon for erectile dysfunction for the first time in decades. With the Viagra era coming to a close, and increasing amounts of research funding available, the field is in its healthiest state for years. “There hasn’t been any real innovation in erectile dysfunction for many years now,” says Soni. “These new breakthroughs and treatments are offering excitement to an area of healthcare that has really been lulled for a long time.” Levitra Vs Viagra: Finding The Best ED Treatment For You. Andy is a co-founder, the superintendent pharmacist and director at The Independent Pharmacy. Each medication helps treat erectile dysfunction (ED) issues by increasing the blood flow to the penis and are proven to help men achieve harder, longer-lasting erections for sexual activity. The main difference between Levitra and Viagra is the active ingredient that the two medications contain. Viagra’s active ingredient is Sildenafil, and Levitra’s is Vardenafil. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between Sildenafil and Vardenafil: Vardenafil (Levitra) helps men: Achieve an erection within 30 minutes Provides an erection for up to 5 hours. Sildenafil (Viagra) helps men: Achieve an erection within 30-60 minutes Provides an erection for up to 4 hours. As you can see, there is very little to choose between Levitra and Viagra in terms of effectiveness. Levitra, on average, works a little quicker and provides an erection that lasts a little longer. It’s also important to note that both only work when you are sexually aroused, meaning you need to engage in foreplay to experience the best results. To learn more about Vardenafil, read our dedicated guide for a comprehensive overview page: What is Levitra?. One of the main differences between Levitra and Viagra is the effectiveness of the two medications when ingested with food. Food delays the absorption of all medication in the system. If you eat a large or fatty meal before taking Viagra, the effects are likely to be significantly reduced. Levitra, on the other hand, is typically less affected by food. The one main exception is grapefruit, which has been proven to significantly reduce the effect of the medication. An alternative to both Levitra and Viagra is Cialis, which does not contain either Vardenafil or Sildenafil. Instead, it contains a different active ingredient called Tadalafil. By increasing blood flow to the penis, it works in a similar way to both Levitra and Viagra. However, Cialis helps men: Achieve an erection within 30 minutes Maintain an erection for up to 36 hours. The main difference is that Cialis stays in your system for much longer than both Levitra and Viagra, therefore helping men to achieve an erection for longer. Levitra dosages and Cialis dosages available are very similar: 5mg, 5mg, 10mg, and 20mg. Viagra, by comparison, is available in larger three doses: 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg. To see what actual users thought about Cialis as a treatment for ED read our Cialis reviews. As the name suggests, Cialis Daily is designed to be taken every day. The medication is for men who like to have spontaneous sex more than three times a week. When taking Cialis Daily, you don’t need to take a pill 30 minutes or an hour before sex. Instead, you keep your body topped up with the medication on a permanent basis, meaning you should be able to achieve an erection whenever you want to engage in sexual activity and without the need to plan ahead. Compared to Levitra, Cialis Daily is only available in smaller packets of 2.5mg and 5mg tablets. Below you will find a table comparing Levitra, Viagra, and Cialis by price, dosages, how long it takes to work, and more.
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