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Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration: indications, techniques and outcomes. Management of ejaculatory disorders in infertile men. Perioperative prevention of penile prosthesis infection: practice patterns among surgeons of SMSNA and ISSM. The concept of erectile function preservation (penile rehabilitation) in the patient after brachytherapy for prostate cancer. Options for fertility preservation in men and boys with cancer. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2012; 732. A retrospective analysis of risk factors for IPP reservoir entry into the peritoneum after abdominal wall placement. International journal of impotence research 2017 Sep; 29(5). Margolin EJ, Mlynarczyk CM, Mulhall JP, Stember DS, Stahl PJ. Three-Dimensional Photography for Quantitative Assessment of Penile Volume-Loss Deformities in Peyronie's Disease. Gross MS, Phillips EA, Carrasquillo RJ, Thornton A, Greenfield JM, Levine LA, Alukal JP, Conners WP, Glina S, Tanrikut C, Honig SC, Becher EF, Bennett NE, Wang R, Perito PE, Stahl PJ, Rossello Gaya M, Rossello Barbara M, Cedeno JD, Gheiler EL, Kalejaiye O, Ralph DJ, Kohler TS, Stember DS, Carrion RE, Maria PP, Brant WO, Bickell MW, Garber BB, Pineda M, Burnett AL, Eid JF, Henry GD, Munarriz RM. Multicenter Investigation of the Micro-Organisms Involved in Penile Prosthesis Infection: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the AUA and EAU Guidelines for Penile Prosthesis Prophylaxis. Gaffney CD, Pagano MJ, Kuker AP, Stember DS, Stahl PJ. Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mineral Density in Men with Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. Onyeji IC, Sui W, Pagano MJ, Weinberg AC, James MB, Theofanides MC, Stember DS, Anderson CB, Stahl PJ. Impact of Surgeon Case Volume on Reoperation Rates after Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Surgery. The Patient Experience Star Rating reflects our patients’ perception of how well their Mount Sinai physician communicated with them during an office visit. The Star Rating is based on patient responses to three questions on the Clinician & Group CAHPS (CG-CAHPS) Survey, a standardized questionnaire developed by Medicare. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Don’t want a penile implant or lifetime of dependence upon PGE penile injections? Morganstern’s ExoSurge® Technology utilizes a patented tandem of mostly FDA-approved devices that represent the first notable treatment innovation to resolve chronic erection issues since introduction of the first penis prosthetic device in 1973. We’re now able to completely heal men in our Atlanta erectile dysfunction clinic who suffer from chronic and severe ED issues – supplanting the need for penile prosthetic surgery or penile teva white pill 5343 injections – in almost 90% of cases. Morganstern, a board-certified urologist was recognized as one of the Best Urologists in Georgia by 3-Best Rated. Chronic erectile dysfunction is best defined as a condition in which the patient isn’t improving from traditional urologic treatment ED paradigms including Phosphodiesterase-type 5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc.), shockwave therapy, hormone therapy, penile injections or vacuum pumps. Until now, a penile prosthetic was the only other option for such patients. Erectile Dysfunction Solutions Born from Comprehensive Testing. The underlying causes of male erection issues vary; sometimes it’s hormonal, other times its blood flow related or due to ineffective function with inner tissue. It’s a combination of more than one of teva white pill 5343 these typical root causes. A key component of our success is rooted in the fact “we don’t guess” when it comes to what’s wrong or attempt to stamp a “one size fits all” solution upon your case. A big part of why we excel is the degree of testing and evaluation we perform during your initial visits. Unlike many, we don’t guess regarding the reasons behind your lack of performance. We examine every detail and come up with a pathway that will enhance your life. During your firs t visit we’ll gather and review all your health history indicators, collect information on any prior treatments you might have explored, perform a physical exam related to your complaints and order tests that will help us narrow in on exactly why things aren’t operating up to par. Your next visit usually involves detailed testing that will help us discover the root cause of any deficiencies and to what degree they are causing problems. At your third visit we are able to provide a complete diagnosis regarding the origins of your troubles: what’s not working and why – along with treatment options to repair the problems. We look forward to serving you and getting you performing at levels you need and deserve. Blood Work Analyzes blood components looking at the presence of various Macronutrients and in what quantity they present themselves in your body. Sometimes our bodies have the bare minimum macronutrients to function from. This test allows us to check these numbers and supplement what is needed to get the body into optimal operational and healing range prior to treatment. Vascular Study Looks at the blood flow of the penis. Checks for any plaque or calcification build up in the penis. *This may reveal the need for any combination of the treatments* If blood flow is poor in or to the penis then a treatment pertaining to increasing blood flow may be required. (RejuvaHeart™) If flow is not retained in the penis then a treatment pertaining to increasing blood retention will be required. (Neosonic™) If there is plaque of calcification in the penis then the treatment for breaking down this plaque and calcification is required. (EndoStim™) Endograph *if blood flow from the Vascular is inconsistent or sporadic* Looks at the stiffness and functional age of the blood vessels through the body. This gives a better indication of whether the low/sporadic blood flow in the penis is an isolated situation or across the entire body. If it is not isolated then a treatment pertaining generic viagra purple pill to increasing blood flow is required. (RejuvaHeart™) Most Comprehensive Blood Testing for ED. Every doctor takes blood; it provides the clearest immediate roadmap about what ails you beyond what you can verbalize. Our blood draws are twice as intensive as seen at typical urology practices and five-times more detailed than at a family physician or men’s health center. Simple: Remember this is not an “ending” diagnosis – but a symptom of another problem. Tracking down that underlying cause starts with blood work. Our urologists provide a unique and detailed Doppler ultrasound of the penis to unlock the keys to healing plus we perform an endothelial test to evaluate healthy blood flow throughout the rest of your body. Most issues are sourced from problems within the penis. However, 40% are rooted from challenges outside the groin area. What happens without this tandem of detailed analysis? Doctors are just guessing – throwing out treatment ideas on what might be wrong. This uncertainty leaves the patient facing less than ideal treatment paths, a lifetime of dependency on treatments like injections or pills – or even worse: overlooking a life-threatening health issue. We will be looking at how the blood flows through the penis and how quickly – defined as peak systolic velocity. Most men recall life at 16 years of age – when mere thought of sexual excitement could cause immediate arousal. That was because the blood flowing into and through the penis was working perfectly. Our urologists also closely analyze bilateral symmetry – checking if the two main arteries that “fill” the penis flow at the same level: that’s important. Problems in this regard are classified as Arterial Insufficiency – and we can now fix that without surgery! After all that blood pumps into a penis: we need it to stay in order to maintain an optimal engorged erection. If there’s a leaky-valve from disease, aging or damage? Blood seeps out and the erection weakens – like a tiny pinhole slowly deflates a balloon. In these situations, a man can get excited and erect – but somehow – keeps losing erection. This is known as Venus Leakage – we can now non-invasively repair that if faulty. Built-up plaque is a common challenge in penile health. In discount viagra pills severe cases, you could be dealing with Peyronie’s Disease – which requires an exclusive treatment paradigm. However, it’s not uncommon to have bits of hardened plaque in spots around the penis or an inordinate amount of “diffuse plaque” hampering blood flow & performance within your penile tissue. Diffuse plaque can be likened to heavy salt water – the plaque has not scaled and hardened to edges of the penis – buts its density and weight and causing the pipes to operate less efficiently and more cumbersome. Endothelial analysis provides a detailed analysis of blood flow rates throughout your body. It doesn’t do any good to improve blood flow within the penis if the providing resource isn’t offering adequate pressure and quality to support penile function. We teva white pill 5343 can’t begin to tell you the number of patients we treated who had seen countless doctors who found nothing wrong with their penis and suggested they pursue a lifetime dependency on penile injections or an implant when in reality – the erection problems was actually stemming from the body vs. After a review of findings with the urologist, our clinical director shares our proprietary 65-point patient scorecard that exhibits all the results, how they fare against the norm with other men of the same age – and what our urologists can do sildenafil citrate pills for sale to overcome deficiencies – without any surgery or prosthetic, We do our best to offer solutions regardless of available time, health insurance coverage or financial resources. Each treatment plan is custom based upon all factors relating to a patient’s personal health. Receive a discreet reply from the Morganstern Health patient care team. We are here to help and will answer your questions discretely. Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. 5 Best Herbal Supplements to Boost Your Sexual Health. It is quite common for men and women to have sexual problems. The reasons behind the problems can be many, ranging from medical problems to emotional disconnect. As you know, sexual activity is a very important activity in any person’s life. Many relationships end due to dissatisfactions caused by poor sexual performance. In fact, poor sexual performance can make or break relationships. However, you can work on such problems through different processes, exercises, medications and changes in diets. Reasons for Poor Sexual Performance: Stress and anxiety issues are two of the most common reasons for poor sexual performance. People now have a very stressful life due to work pressure and family issues. Sex is something that people look forward in their life and stress can hamper your performance. Fear of failure regarding performing well in bed can cause anxiety issues. The inability to prolong ejaculation can be a major disappointment for your partner. The amount of time you indulge in intercourse is important and prolonging it is necessary to improve your performance in bed. After an age, males tend to lose the ability to produce enough testosterone and that is a worrying thing. This hormone plays very vital role in increased masculinity and production of the male gamete, sperm. Erectile dysfunction or ED is a situation when a male’s penis does not erect when required. Not able to get an erected penis before sex is not at all appealing and can be an embarrassing situation. If not psychological, there can be medical reasons behind this problem and can be treated with medications as well. Some of the reasons for poor sexual performances can be psychological or due to unhealthy lifestyle with bad habits and poor dietary patterns. Smoking influences the sperm count negatively and leads to poor erection. Drinking can cause you to pee in between sex or force an early ejaculation. The diet which you follow can affect your performance negatively if there is lack of intake of necessary nutrients. There are some cases where taking medicines or supplements is the only way to improve the sexual health. Medlife offers the following 5 best herbal supplements to boost your sexual health: Medlife Essentials Shilajeet Capsules: Shilajit is a sticky herb found in mountains and offers many health benefits due to its multiple micro and macro nutrients. One of the health benefits of Shilajit is that it boosts your energy levels and help you perform well. Medlife Essentials Shilajeet Capsule is a 100% natural, high-quality extract of Shilajit resin. A scientifically proven potent dietary supplement like Shilajit helps you get rid of any kind of weakness. The presence of fulvic acid and humic acid gives it anti-ageing properties and helps you rejuvenate with your physical activities. The capsule can also benefit if you suffer from sexual weakness, semen deficiency and low sperm count. Many people lose interest in sex after an age due to many reasons and it leads to poor sexual performance. The aphrodisiac nature of Shilajit helps you increase your sexual desire. It has mind calming properties that decrease your stress levels. It strengthens your immune system and enhances strength to improve your sexual performances. Patients using these capsules see significant improvement in their sexual life, giving them a satisfied lifestyle and making the capsules ideal for better male sexual health. Dabur Stimulex Capsules: It is an Ayurvedic Medicine for penile enlargement. The capsule comprises of many Indian natural herbs and active ingredients like Manjistha, Kantakari, Brahmi, Guduchi, Draksha, Chitrak, Amalaki, Bala and Madhu. These herbs work together and energize the penis veins by increasing the blood flow and helping in its enlargement. Many males have problems related to the slow or low release of the male hormone testosterone. The capsule balances the release of testosterone and increases the sex drive. The many major benefits of Dabur Stimulex Capsule include increase in male libido, self-confidence, stamina and the length of intercourse. All these factors play a key role a much better sex life. It is helpful in satisfying your partner and in turn getting satisfied. Himalaya Tentex Forte Tabs: The trusted brand of Himalaya has come up with an ayurvedic proprietary medicine that improves sexual desire and performance in men. It is a comprehensive tablet with key ingredients like Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, Kapikachchu and Gokshuru. The tablet helps in improving the testosterone levels in males, thus increasing the sex libido. It increases the sexual desire in men by reducing the emotional stress level. The natural ingredients help in alleviating male sexual dysfunction and supporting the production of hormones associated with ‘pleasure system’ of the brain. Himalaya Tentex Forte Tabs strengthen the penile tissue and help in maintaining the erection for a longer time. Hashmi Hard Rock Capsules: These capsules help in providing a hard erection and boosting your stamina. Hard Rock capsule is a Unani Herbal medicine that benefits people with erectile dysfunction (ED)/ impotence. The capsule focuses on the secretion of your hormones and strengthening the penile muscles. The amount of testosterone released is a major factor in one’s sexual performance. The hormone is responsible for production of male gamete sperm. It is important to have teva white pill 5343 a natural flow of testosterone throughout the body to increase your overall stamina as well. The capsule ensures you will last longer in bed by maintaining the erection and delaying the ejaculation. The increased blood flow in penile tissues helps in the enlargement of the male organ. The capsule balances the sex hormones, thus increasing the sex drive. Organic India Ashwagandha: Organic India Ashwagandha is an exclusive ayurvedic medicine that aids in relieving stress and building vitality. The natural herb effectively increases cognition and muscle strength, and helps maintain immunity. This is important to increase your stamina levels and perform well in your sex life. The capsule helps in improving your sleep patterns and mood swings. All these are important for your sex life and enhancing the performance. Ashwagandha works as an aphrodisiac to enhance sexual power in men. It enhances your vigor and vitality and rejuvenates you to perform well. The neuroprotective nature of the capsule helps in increasing the blood flow and activating all nerve endings. It is excellent in relieving stress, which is a major cause for lower sexual performance. Choose from our wide range of body tests such as CBC test, ESR test, Widal test, Liver function test and Kidney function test and more. You don’t have to visit a diagnostic centre because Medlife brings it to your home. Get a free home sample collection done by and results will be sent via email within 24 hours. Conclusion: Many factors can hamper your sexual performances. Working on them is important, as sex is a major aspect of your life. Herbal supplements are the best solution since they have little to no side effects. It may take time to achieve your desired goals but these medications can help you boost your performance largely. When you take any new supplements, consulting a doctor is always important as he/she will guide you the right way and help you achieve better results. There is a possibility of getting side effects if you take other medicines while having these herbal medicines. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor to avoid such uncalled situations. Medlife offers a range of organic supplements that improve sexual health. Order them today to begin a new chapter in your sex life! If you are suffering from any Urology, Andrology or Sexual illness you can consult Dr. TeleOPD is available only to help patients during the COVID 19 crisis.
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