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This study was conducted on 100 adult males with epilepsy, with age ranges between 20 to 48 years and total time of illness ranged from 3 to 35 years. Patients were on regular treatment with one or combined therapy of the conventional AED(s) for at least 6 months before participation in our study. Patients were free from other neurological or medical diseases and had normal computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Their seizure types’ were diagnosed according to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) [19]. Patients were recruited from the out-patient epilepsy clinics of the departments of Neurology and Psychiatry of Assiut and Al-Azhar University Hospitals, Assiut, Egypt. Fifty healthy males matched for age, sex, educational level and socioeconomic status were included as controls for comparison. Controls were recruited from the healthy general population matched for age- (range: 20-48 years; mean: 30.36±7.59), sex-, educational level and socioeconomic status. Excluded were subjects (patients and controls) with: 1) history of neurological disorder other than epilepsy, 2) history of clinically significant genitourinary disease, pelvic trauma, pelvic surgery, or radiation therapy, 3) concomitantly known vascular risks (e.g., heavy smoking, diabetes mellitus (DM), coronary artery disease) , systemic illness (e.g. gout, active gastrointestinal disease, renal failure, serum creatinine concentration >150 mmol/l, chronic hepatic illness) likely to affect erectile function, 4) alcoholism or diagnosed substance abuse and/or previous hospitalization for substance abuse), 5) use of regular medication(s) in addition to AEDs (e.g. drugs for high blood pressure, heart medications, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and sedatives), and 6) current or recent treatment of ED with intracorporeal injection or application of vasoactive drugs. The study protocol was approved by the ethical committee of the faculties of medicine of Assiut and Al-Azhar, Assiut, Egypt and all patients and control subjects gave their informed consent to participate in this study as follow: Methods. All patients and healthy control subjects underwent the same research protocol. Patients’ evaluation was done interictally, 1) Medical, neurological, endocrinological, psychiatric, vascular and urological history and examination: Seizure variables included age at onset, precipitating factors, duration of illness, type, frequency, family history of epilepsy, type of utilized AED(s) (monotherapy or polytherapy), duration of treatment, degree of patients’ control on AED(s) and side effects from medications. The frequencies of seizures were defined as described before [20] into: a) very frequent: occuring several times a day or at intervals shorter than 7 days, b) frequent: occuring at intervals longer than 7 days but shorter than 30 days, c) occasional: occuring at intervals longer than 30 days but shorter than one year, and d) sildenafil 100 mg tablet cost rare: occuring at intervals longer than one year. Regarding the degree of control on AEDs, patients were considered controlled on AEDs treatment, when seizure free for ?1 year, partially controlled when seizure frequencies were occasional and uncontrolled when seizures were frequent or very frequent. Physical and urological examinations included examination for the presence of secondary sexual character, genitalia, other tissues of the penis and pelvic region, rectal and prostate examination and examination of perianal and penile sensation. Bulbocavernosal reflex was done to test the integrity of the sacral arc, performed by squeezing the glans (head) of the penis, which immediately cause the anus to contract if nerve function is normal. The latency between squeeze and contraction was assessed by observing the anal sphincter or by filling it with a gloved finger inserted past the anus. All patients underwent standard electroencephalography (EEG) and neuroimaging [as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)]. 2) Assessment of erectile function: Assessment of erectile function was done using the Arabic translated version [21] of International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire 5-items version or IIEF-5 [22]. Each item of IIEF-5 is scored from 0 to 5 on 4 items and 1 to 5 on 1 item. The 4 of the 6 items includes questions regarding maintenance ability, erection confidence, maintenance frequency, and erection firmness, while the single item includes question about intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction. A cutoff value of 21 is chosen so that patients with IIEF-5 scores of ?21 are classified as having ED while scores >21 are not. According to this scale, ED is classified into four categories: severe ED (1–7), moderate ED (8–11), mild-to-moderate ED (12–16), mild (17–21), and no ED (22–25). 3) Psychiatric evaluation: Standardized psychiatric interview was done by applying the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, fourth edition (DSM–IV) criteria for the diagnosis of depression and anxiety [23]. A standardized psychiatric interview was chosen as the primary method for obtaining data. A differentiation between behavioral disorders and behavioral symptoms was made throughout the work. In patients with coexisting symptoms, assessment of the severity of the symptoms was costco sildenafil coupon undertaken by an experienced psychologist using the Arabic translated versions of Beck Depression Inventory (2nd edition) (BDI-II) [24, 25] and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) [26,27]. BDI-II is the revised version of the original BDI (1st edition) [28]. In BDI-II, the items reflecting somatic disease and consequences of a medical illness which overlap with depressive symptoms were eliminated (as fatigue, work disability, weight loss, loss of energy, sleep loss, appetite loss, changes in body image, and somatic preoccupation). The BDI–II consists of 21 items to assess the intensity of depression. Each of the 21 items corresponding to a symptom of depression is summed to give a single score for the BDI-II. According to summation of scores from all 21 parameters, the score of 0-13 is considered minimal range, 14-19 is mild, 20-28 is moderate, and 29-63 is severe. The HAM-A consists of 14 items to measure the severity of a patients’ anxiety. Each of the 14 items is scored on a 5-point scale, ranging from 0 = not present to 4 = severe. According to summation of scores from all 14 parameters, the total score of 14-17 is considered as mild in range 18-24 as moderate while 25-30 as severe. 15-20 minutes to complete the interview and score the result. 4) Laboratory investigations: Standard laboratory tests included: complete blood count (CBC), measurement of serum creatinine, liver enzymes and fasting blood glucose level. For analysis of serum free testosterone, prolactin, free thyroxin (FT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), blood samples were drawn at (8.00-10.00 am) after an overnight fast and patients were seizure free for at least 72 hours, as any postictal central hormonal dysfunction is recognized to reverse within hours. Assessment protocols were done according to the recommendations of the manufacturers. The concentrations of serum prolactin, FT4 and TSH were measured by IMMULITE reproductive hormone assays from Diagnostic Product Cooperation (Los Angeles, USA). The concentrations of free testosterone were measured by enzyme immunoassay method (ELISA) (BioSource Europe S.A. Rue de I`Industrie, 8 – B-1400 Nivelles – Belgium) and SHBG concentrations were measured by ELISA kits (IBL international GMBH, Hamburg, Germany). For confirmation, the serum hormone levels were obtained and assessed twice at two different days. The hormonal levels were combined with the cross sectional assessment while clinical evaluation and interviewing with patients and control subjects. Compliance to antiepileptic medications was confirmed by assessment of the serum drug level at least once during the period of the study. The serum levels of AEDs were determined in the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) lab, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt, using fluorescence polarization immunoassay system of Abbott (EPIA), TDxFLX apparatus (Abbott Lab, Wiesbaden, Germany) as described before [29]. The serum levels of AEDs were measured as part of the investigation in batched assays. The approximated therapeutic serum level of CBZ is 4-10 ?g/ ml and that of VPA is 50-100 ?g/ml. Calculations were done with the statistical package SPSS, version 12.0. Data were presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation) when normally distributed and mean (quartiles) when not normally distributed. Kolmogorov-Simirnov test was used to test the parameter distributed. Unpaired two-sided Student’s t test was used for comparison of mean of normally distributed parameters. In all other cases Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison. Correlations must be assessed using Pearson’s for normally distributed data and Spearman’s methods for non-normally distributed data. What was once acknowledged solely as impotence and smilingly mentioned barely behind closed doors has within the recent years gained immense recognition for the most part partially to the microscopic blue pill created for this? It absolutely was within the late '90s and was the speak the city thus to talk. Anyone laid low with it wished it and folks who didn't grasp what it absolutely shortly did. There was even a brand new term that caught on in spoken communication or a minimum of in selling it. Its name is dysfunction and because of some early research will be treated with not solely the microscopic blue pill referred to as Fildena however additionally different similar to Vidalista 60 , and Valif 20 . These medications have helped scores of men laid low with dysfunction and their scope in the world. 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Quarter-hour is concerning 0.5 the time that presently prescribed Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg impotence treatments begin to figure once being taken. Thus there undoubtedly may well be a marketplace for such a pill if it ever becomes offered. But what abundant even be observed is that there's a once each day Cialis that may negate such a fast-acting medication. different problems to stay in mind but are facet effects, The other medication within the works is called Udenafil or proprietary name is Zydena®. This medication is truly presently being prescribed in each Chosen and Russia as a once each day formula. One needs to surprise if it's solely a matter of your time before it involves North America and Europe. It will but ought to be approved by the FDA before ever coming back to the USA and Dong-A Partech Co, its producer is running tests within the USA to do to prove its effectiveness and safety to sometime create a debut in the US. Is there an area for these medications within the world market? I'd say affirmative, the prescriptions that are written or refilled day by day for this condition are staggering and it is sensible that some new ones on the market would undoubtedly succeed on some level. However can this happen, solely time can tell and if it will the speculation on what medication will take high spot within the market is smooth out. Nothing works for my Erectile Dysfunction; am I currently cursed with this condition for life? Quite merely, the solution to the present is an unequivocal no. In today's sildenafil 100 mg tablet cost world, with a good vary of treatment strategies offered, nobody ought to ever feel that there's no answer for his or her own specific variety of dysfunction. In younger men, it will typically be that their performance anxiety is thus entrenched that even giant doses of Cenforce drug, Malegra , or Vilitra won't offer a cure. However, for these men, there are six ways that they'll adopt that, with a small amount of following, will yield terribly satisfactory results. Wherever this is often impractical, there are different, lesser-known medications that will induce a satisfactory erection regardless of however anxious they'll be. The situation will be terribly similar in older men. Let's say in post-prostatectomy cases, Cenforce 150 drug and similar medication can rarely work. However, these men can also have the benefit of various medications within the kind of gels or via painless injections. This additionally applies to men with neural structure injury, advanced induration, Parkinson's sickness, and stroke or artery sickness.
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