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Men who have prostate surgery may also have erection problems, but this is often only a short-term problem. Cut down on smoking, alcohol, and illegal drug use. Exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep good blood circulation. Talk openly to your partner about sex and your relationship; if you can't do this, counseling can help. If the problem does not go away with lifestyle changes, or if it begins after cheap boner pills an injury or prostate surgery, or if you have symptoms like low back pain, or abdominal pain, or a change in urination, you should call your doctor. If erection problems seem to be caused by a medication you are taking, talk to your doctor about that. You may need to cheap boner pills lower the dose or change to another drug. But don't change or stop taking any medications without first talking to your doctor. Your doctor can prescribe many treatments, including medicines you take by mouth, injections into the penis, medicines inserted into the urethra, vacuum devices, surgery, and penis implants. Ask your doctor about the possible side effects and complications of each treatment. Sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis) are popular medications called phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors. They work, and they work when you are sexually aroused. These drugs can have side effects, which can range from muscle pain and flushing to heart attack. Do not use these drugs with medications such as nitroglycerin. The combination can cause your blood pressure to drop. As you see, there are several ways to treat erectile problems. Talk with your doctor to see what may be the best one for you. To get an erection, your brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels all need to work together. If something gets in the way of these normal functions, it can lead to erection problems. An erection problem is usually not "all in your head." In fact, most erection problems have a physical cause. Diabetes High blood pressure Heart or thyroid conditions Clogged arteries (atherosclerosis) Depression Nervous system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson disease. Antidepressants Blood pressure medicines (especially beta-blockers) Heart medicines, such as digoxin Sleeping pills Some peptic ulcer medicines. In some cases, your emotions or relationship problems can lead to ED, such as: Poor communication with your partner. Erection problems can affect men at any age, but are more common as you get older. If you have erections in the morning or at night while you sleep, it is likely not a physical cause. Most men have 3 to 5 erections at night that last about 30 minutes. Talk with your provider about how to find out if you have normal nighttime erections. Symptoms may include any of the following: Trouble getting an erection Trouble keeping an erection Having an erection that is not firm enough for intercourse Less interest in sex. Your provider will perform a physical exam, which may include: Taking your blood pressure Examining your penis and rectum to check for problems. Your provider will also ask questions to help find the cause, such as: Have you been able to get and keep erections in the past? Are you having trouble getting an erection or keeping erections? Do you have erections during sleep or in the morning? Your provider will also ask about your lifestyle: Are you taking any medicines, including over-the counter medicines and supplements? You may have a number of different tests to help find the cause, cheap boner pills such as: Urinalysis or blood tests to check for health conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, or low testosterone A device you wear at night to check for normal nighttime erections Ultrasound of your penis to check for blood flow problems Rigidity monitoring to test how strong your erection is Psychological tests to check for depression and other emotional problems. The treatment may depend on what is causing the problem and how healthy you are. Your provider can talk with you about the best treatment for you. These include: Getting exercise Eating a healthy diet Losing extra weight Sleeping well. If you and your partner have trouble talking about your relationship, it may cause problems with sex. Pills you take by mouth, such as sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), avanafil (Stendra), and tadalafil (Adcirca, Cialis). Medicine inserted into the urethra or injected into the penis to improve blood flow. A special rubber band is then used to keep the erection during intercourse. Testosterone replacement if your testosterone level is low. This comes in skin patches, gel, or injections into the muscle. These can range from muscle pain and flushing to heart attack. The combination can cause your blood pressure to drop. You may not be able to use these drugs if you have any of the following conditions: Recent stroke or heart attack Severe heart disease, such as unstable angina or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) Severe heart failure Uncontrolled high blood pressure Uncontrolled diabetes Very low blood pressure.
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