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Prediction of erectile function following treatment for prostate cancer. Men now have a new option to treat erectile dysfunction. Food and Drug Administration has approved the new drug Stendra to treat the illness that causes problems in the sex lives of 30 million men. It is the first erectile dysfunction drug in a decade. And its reacts faster than other drugs on the market meaning men viagra prescription buy may be able to add spontaneity back into the bedroom. Men take the drug, which increases blood flow to the penis, as needed 30 minutes before engaging in sex. They'll still have to take some precautions like when taking other drugs on the market. For example, Stendra can't be taken with nitrates, such as those used to treat chest pain, because it can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, the FDA said. Remember the movie Something's Gotta Give, when the doctor told Jack Nicholson's character he should be truthful about taking Viagra because it might cause a heart attack when mixed with other medications? Erection problems often occur as men get older and are more common in men with HIV. There may be physical or psychological causes, or a combination of the two. There can be drug-drug interactions between erectile dysfunction drugs and anti-HIV medications. While many men struggle with erectile dysfunction, it is more common in men living with HIV. There may be physical or psychological causes, or more frequently a combination of the two. Factors such as dealing with a new diagnosis, stigma, and anxiety about passing on HIV may impact upon your ability to get hard or stay hard. Physical causes may include older age, diabetes, heart disease, taking certain types of HIV medication and how long you have taken these medications. Sexual wellbeing is an important part of your overall health and problems in this area can have an impact on how you feel about yourself. Help is available from healthcare professionals if you are struggling with erectile dysfunction. Having sexual problems may also indicate that there are other areas of your physical and psychological health that need to be attended to. Erectile dysfunction (or impotence) is when you cannot get or keep an erection that enables you to have sex. Most men are sometimes unable to have an erection, perhaps caused by drinking too much alcohol, using recreational drugs, anxiety or tiredness. Occasional problems are not necessarily a cause for concern, but ongoing erectile dysfunction should be investigated by a doctor. It is one form of male sexual dysfunction, which also includes problems ejaculating and reduced sexual desire or satisfaction. Erectile dysfunction often affects men as they get older. It is also more common in men with HIV than in the general population, although it has been difficult to estimate how many men with HIV are affected. Research suggests that around 40 to 60% of men with HIV may have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction has various physical and psychological causes. It is often associated with conditions that affect blood flow in the penis, including diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, obesity and heart disease. Other factors commonly linked to erectile dysfunction include older age, low testosterone levels, alcohol or drug use, anxiety and depression. It is important to consider both the physical and the psychological reasons behind sexual problems. If you have experienced impotence in the past, you may fear not being able to get an erection during sex. Your anxiety around sexual performance may add to an existing physical cause and worsen the problem. Physical causes of erectile dysfunction in men with HIV. In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are specific factors that are important if you are living with HIV. These include having lived with HIV for a longer time, a lower CD4 cell count when you were first diagnosed and possibly taking certain HIV medications (see below). If you have both HIV and hepatitis C, or suffer from body fat buy generic viagra online without prescription redistribution (lipodystrophy), you may be more likely to have difficulties getting an erection. Many men with HIV have low testosterone levels (hypogonadism). This can be difficult to diagnose because some symptoms (such as loss of vitality, low sexual desire, low bone mineral density and loss of muscle mass) are less specific and can occur in men with HIV who have normal testosterone levels. It is important for your doctor to investigate whether this could be the cause of your impotence.
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