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The responses appear to be best in patients who are taking medications and less successful in more severe types of ED. It appears safe with minimal side effects and very little discomfort. If you or your loved one is struggling with erectile dysfunction or if you have any more questions about the treatment options for erectile dysfunction, then contact the experts at Georgia Urology. We’ll be able to evaluate which one of the treatment options described above are best for you. Erectile Dysfunction can be described as erection that is not sufficient to achieve or maintain the desired performance for a satisfactory sexual experience. Men suffering from low testosterone will often complain of weak erections, or the lack of morning erections, or the inability to maintain an erection. Sometimes ED can be due to psychosomatic issues and this can lead to vasoconstriction ED which can have many causes, testosterone deficiency can be one of them but not the only reason for it and testosterone on its own does not always improve erectile dysfunction. Medications called PDE5 inhibitors like (tadalafil(cialis®), or sildenafil(viagra®) can help relax the smooth muscle in the penis by vasodilating those blood vessels causing you to achieve an erection. Having erectile dysfunction is actually very common around there are estimated to be around 15-30 million men who suffer from it. As you age erectile dysfunction becomes more common and on average 15-25% of men over the age of 65 experience problems maintaining an erection. Unable to get an erection with stimulation Weak or soft erections Short lasting erections lead to unsatisfactory sexual experience Change in Angle of erection Penis has decreased sensitivity (feels like you are wearing 5 condoms) Erections are less girthy. There are many men suffering from ED in the world, and the reasons behind ED are wide and varied. Below we have listed the more common causes for suffering from ED. Cardiovascular disease affecting the flow of blood to the penis Nerve damage affecting the penis Smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise Diabetes High Blood Pressure Certain medications including SSRIs, and beta-blockers Stress Depression Performance Anxiety- Psychosomatic Low Testosterone Hormone imbalance Damage to the penis Peyronie’s disease (plaques causing a curvature of the penis) Nerve Sleep disorders or sleep apnea Damage to pelvic area Obesity High cholesterol Kidney disease Anxiety Loss of Penile Sensitivity and erections due to excessive aromatisation inhibition Stress. Testosterone PDE5 Inhibitors Prostaglandin Analogues injected into the penis before sexual activity (alprostadil, caverject) Prostaglandin Analogues inserted into the urethra with insertion device (aloprostadil Muse device) PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment (unapproved use) Stem Cells- (unapproved use as not approved by regulatory agencies but data to demonstrate effectiveness in small studies) Bremelanotide , sold under the brand name Vyleesi e for women(unapproved use and difficult to titrate) also can improve sexual desire (libido). Shockwave therapy at clinic The Rocket- home shockwave therapy device (pending approval, CE) PDE5 inhibitors and low testosterone. If you have low testosterone and you have tried viagra and cialis, chances are it may not have worked for you. PED5 inhibitors work best with an adequate amount of free testosterone. Some men who have tried PDE5s like cialis or viagra who are unable to maintain a desired erection with testosterone alone will often dismiss adding a PDE5 to treatment because of treatment failures in the past when they have had low testosterone. As mentioned earlier PDE5s work best when there is an optimal amount of testosterone present. So you may want to reconsider and ask your doctor if adding a PDE5 is right for you. ED can be caused by several factors as described above, if you would like us to check your testosterone levels please use the form below to get in touch with us. Erectile dysfunction, which is also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection. It is a common condition that affects millions of men; it is estimated that half of men in the UK aged between 40 and 70 have erectile dysfunction to some degree, but it can affect men of all ages. Although the risk does increase with age, erectile dysfunction shouldn’t be seen as a consequence of ageing. There are many causes for erectile dysfunction ranging from underlining health conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol), hormonal problems, previous surgery and injury through to psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and relationship issues. It is important to get an accurate diagnosis and identify the cause in order for the appropriate treatment or procedure to be recommended. An erection is a direct result of increased blood flow into your penis. This blood flow is stimulated by sexual thoughts and arousal, or direct contact with your penis. When a man becomes sexually aroused, all the muscles in the penis relax, allowing the blood flow to increase into the penile arteries. The blood then fills the two chambers that are inside the penis, called the Corpora Cavernosa. When these chambers fill with blood, the penis becomes rigid and erect. The erection ends when the muscles finally contract, and the blood can flow back out the penile veins. Giulio Garaffa, an award-winning Consultant Uro-Andrologist with over 20 years’ international medical experience in this field. Mr Garaffa has a global reputation for his excellence in urology and andrology and is one of the leading experts in the fields of erectile dysfunction, congenital penile curvature, complex penile reconstruction, phalloplasty, Peyronie’s disease, male infertility and microsurgery. + You have trouble maintaining an erection during sexual acts OR. If you experience any of these symptoms for more than 2-3 months, speak to your doctor. To determine if you have erectile dysfunction, your doctor will inquire about your symptoms and your health history. They will do tests if necessary to determine whether or not those symptoms are caused by an underlying health issue. This may include a physical exam, blood pressure work, and examination of your penis and testicles. This may also include a rectal exam to check on your prostate. If surgery is needed, your doctor will go over the best method for you and give you your options. The most common oral medications prescribed in patients with erectile dysfunction are Sildenafil, Tadalafil and Vardenafil. All these medications help to enhance erections and therefore do not trigger automatic erections as injections instead do. Therefore sexual stimulation is necessary for these medications to work. The most common side effects of these medications are headache, facial blushing, upset stomach and mild temporal visual effects (only for Sildenafil).In most cases, the side effects are minor and tend to reduce with time. Therefore only very few patients decide to discontinue the treatment due to side effects. Approximately 40% of men at the age of 50 suffer from erectile dysfunction and this prevalence increases around 10% each decade. Although prevalence of erectile dysfunction increases with age, erectile dysfunction should not be seen as an inevitable consequence of ageing. Erectile dysfunction can be subdivided in psychogenic and organic. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction, which is more common in younger men, cannot trace his origin to a physical problem or disease and is due to performance anxiety. Organic erectile dysfunction is much more common than psychogenic erectile dysfunction and in most cases the causes can be easily identified. Once identified, proper treatment can be recommended to help patients return to a satisfying sexual life. Organic erectile dysfunction is usually caused by an injury (to the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or arteries), by a disease (diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol), by an operation (prostate gland removal, urinary bladder removal, surgery to the rectum, spinal surgery) and by substance abuse (tobacco, drugs, alcohol and some medications). A thorough examination and history taking is necessary to understand the nature of erectile dysfunction. Patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction may be further investigated with a nocturnal penile tumescence test to confirm that the nocturnal erections are preserved. The confirmation of the presence of normal nocturnal erections excludes the presence of an organic cause of erectile dysfunction and the patients should be therefore reassured and offered psychosexual counselling. When organic erectile dysfunction is suspected and an underlying cause is not obvious from the examination and history, efforts should be made towards the identification of any underlying condition, since erectile dysfunction may represent the first sign of diffuse cardiovascular disease. A prompt identification of any of the cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels is paramount to set up an adequate treatment plan and prevent further progression of the cardiovascular disease. The Doppler Ultrasound scan of the penis is a relatively simple investigation but it provides very important information on the blood supply to the penis. The management of the patient with erectile dysfunction is tailored to the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction and to patients’ preferences. Various drugs are now available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Some medications are administered orally, some are injected directly into the penis while other are inserted into the urethra at the tip of the penis. When medical treatment is ineffective and contraindicated, the vacuum constriction device or penile prosthesis implantation guarantee the rigidity necessary for sexual intercourse. Injections are indicated in these patients who do not respond to oral medications or when oral medications are contraindicated. Injection therapy induces an erection even without the need of sexual stimulation. The main advantage of injections is that it can be easily self-administered while the main risk is to induce a prolonged erection and may occur if an excessive dose of the medication has been injected. The main reasons why patients quit injections are inadequate response, fear of needles, desire for a permanent treatment alternative and concerns over side effects. The vacuum pump is a tube, which is sealed around the flaccid penis. With the creation of a negative pressure, blood is rushed into the chambers of the penis. Once the desired rigidity is achieved, a constricting ring is applied to the base of the penis to prevent the blood from rushing out of the penis and the vacuum pump is then removed. The vacuum pump can be a viable solution for patients who do not respond or are not suitable for oral and injectable medications and are not keen on penile prosthesis implantation. We advise you to book a consultation with Mr Garaffa, one of the world leading experts in the diagnosis and management of erectile dysfunction and one of the largest penile prosthesis implanters in the world. Your condition will be treated discretely and you will be offered the treatment that best suits you and that will allow you to regain sexual activity with confidence. Erectile dysfunction, or male impotence, is the inability to get or keep an erection to have successful intercourse. Approximately 94 million men worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction and, most importantly, nearly every man who has the condition can be helped. Talking with your doctor is the first step in getting the proper treatment for erectile dysfunction. Treatment process begins with a physical exam that can include an examination of your vascular system, nervous system, thyroid, prostate, and genitals. If your physician suspects a psychological cause for erectile dysfunction, he or she may suggest treatment from a psychiatrist, psychologist, sex therapist or marriage counselor. It is important to understand that counseling can many times identify and solve many underlying psychological issues causing erectile dysfunction. Such counseling may also be a part of a recommended regimen to treat the problem. When considering lifestyle changes as an approach to correct erectile dysfunction, consideration of habits that may be contributing to the condition need to be addressed. These include: Decreasing or boner pills cvs limiting the consumption of alcohol Dietary changes to reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol Eliminating the use of tobacco and substance abuse Losing weight Exercising regularly. A physician’s review of the medications you are presently taking may result in changes to them especially if they are known to cause erectile dysfunction. Non-invasive treatments that include the use of oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are all proven to improve blood flow to the penis by working directly on the blood vessels. They allow the arteries to expand to produce an erection. Note that while widely available today, they do not work for 20 to 30 percent of men. Vacuum pump therapy may be prescribed as a non-invasive alternative. The pump device is placed over the penis and a vacuum is created mechanically enhancing the flow of blood into the penis. A rubber ring placed at the base of the penis helps to maintain the blood maintaining the erection. These cannot be prescribed for patients with bleeding disorders, are on anticoagulants or those with sickle cell anemia. The patient inserts a small dose of medication directly into the urethral opening at the end of the penis where the medication becomes absorbed into the erectile tissue. This causes the blood vessels to relax so that the penis fills with blood and becomes erect. For this treatment, the patient or his partner inject medication directly into the base of the penis.
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