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As part of the global action plan on AMR adopted by WHO, UN member states were urged to establish national action plans to combat antibiotic resistance, including reporting antibiotic consumption (11). However, additional study is needed to link antibiotic consumption rates of specific drugs and resistance rates of target pathogens to better inform policies to reduce antibiotic consumption. With antibiotic consumption increasing worldwide, the challenge posed by antibiotic resistance is likely to get worse. As with climate change, there may be an unknown tipping point (47), and this could herald a future without effective antibiotics. Even in the absence of tipping points, the decline of antibiotic effectiveness represents a major threat to human health. Radical rethinking of policies to reduce consumption is necessary, including major investments in improved hygiene, sanitation, vaccination, and access to diagnostic tools both to prevent unnecessary antibiotic use and to decrease the burden of infectious disease. While more study is needed to understand the risks of radical reductions in consumption, immediate strategies are necessary to reduce mortality among the millions of people who die from resistant infections annually. Why you're probably getting the wrong pink eye treatment. Nearly 60 percent of pink eye patients receive antibiotic eye drops, but they're seldom necessary. -- A new study suggests that most people with acute conjunctivitis, or pinkeye, are getting the wrong treatment. About 60 percent of patients nationwide are prescribed antibiotic eye drops, even though antibiotics are rarely necessary to treat this common eye infection. Of the patients filling antibiotic prescriptions, 20 percent filled prescriptions for antibiotic-steroid eye drops that can prolong or worsen the infection. The study by the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center is consistent with a nationwide trend of antibiotic misuse for common viral and mild bacterial conditions. It’s a trend that increases costs to patients and the health care system and may promote antibiotic resistance. "This study opens the lid on overprescribing of antibiotics for a common eye infection," says lead study author Nakul Shekhawat, M.D., M.P.H., resident physician at Kellogg. Using data from a large managed care network in the United States, researchers identified the number of patients who filled antibiotic eye drop prescriptions for acute conjunctivitis. They then evaluated the characteristics of patients who filled prescriptions compared to those who did not. Among 340,372 people diagnosed with acute conjunctivitis over a 14-year period, 58 percent filled a prescription for antibiotic eye drops. Most patients were diagnosed by nonspecialists, such as a family medicine physician, pediatrician, internal medicine physician or urgent care provider. Only a minority were diagnosed by eye care specialists such as ophthalmologists or optometrists. Patients diagnosed by a primary care or urgent care provider were two to three times more likely to fill prescriptions for antibiotic eye drops than patients diagnosed by an ophthalmologist. Even more troubling, the Kellogg Eye Center study found the odds of filling a prescription depended more on a patient’s socioeconomic status than the patient’s risk for developing a more serious eye infection. For example, contact lens wearers or those with diabetes or HIV/AIDS are more at risk. Patients who filled antibiotic prescriptions were significantly more likely to be white, younger, better educated and more affluent than patients who did not fill prescriptions. This is the first study to focus on outpatient management of acute conjunctivitis in the United States. It was published in Ophthalmology , the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. "The study shows that current treatment decisions for pinkeye are not based on evidence but are often driven more by type of health care practitioner making the diagnosis and the patient’s socioeconomic status than by medical reasons," Shekhawat says. "The potential negative consequences are difficult to justify as we move toward focusing on value in health care." Pinkeye affects 6 million people in the United States each year and is a major driver of emergency room visits for ocular problems. There are three types: viral, bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis. Most cases are caused by viral infections or allergies and do not respond to antibiotics. Artificial tears and warm compresses may help keep the eye comfortable while viral conjunctivitis runs its course. Antibiotics are often unnecessary for bacterial conjunctivitis because most cases are mild and would resolve on their own within seven to 14 days without treatment. Authors say there are several reasons why antibiotics are overprescribed: Cause unknown . It is a challenge to differentiate bacterial conjunctivitis from the viral and allergic forms. All three types may have overlapping features, such as a red eye, thin discharge, irritation and sensitivity to light. Health care providers may be unsure of the cause and prescribe antibiotics "just in case." Several rapid, point-of-care tests for adenovirus are in development that could save an estimated $400 million in health care spending in the U.S. Children with pinkeye may not be able to attend school or day care unless they are being treated, presumably to reduce transmission. In an accompanying editorial, such policies were called "highly inconvenient for patients and parents" and "devoid of evidence," considering the more rapidly spreading viral conjunctivitis is unlikely to be influenced by a topical antibiotic. Patients are often unaware of the harmful side effects of antibiotics and may falsely believe that antibiotics are necessary for the infection to resolve. Senior study author and Kellogg ophthalmologist Joshua Stein, M.D., director of the Center for Eye Policy and Innovation, says a new approach is needed for managing acute conjunctivitis that involves patients, health care providers and policymakers. "Educating patients about acute conjunctivitis' often benign, self-limited course may help to dispel misconceptions about the condition and reduce reflexive demands for immediate antibiotic use," says Stein, who is also a member of the U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation. The American Academy of Ophthalmology has issued guidance to the medical community on treatment for pinkeye. The Academy tells health care providers to avoid prescribing antibiotics for viral conditions and to delay immediate treatment when the cause of conjunctivitis is unknown. Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you at risk. It is estimated that at least 5,000 deaths are caused every year in England because antibiotics no longer work for some infections. As the Chief Medical Officer and experts around the world warn of a ‘post-antibiotic apocalypse’ and ‘the end of modern medicine’, Public Health England launches a major new campaign to help ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’. The campaign warns people that taking antibiotics when they are not needed puts them at risk of a more severe or longer infection, and urges people to take their doctor’s advice on antibiotics. Public Health England’s ESPAUR report reveals that as antibiotic resistance grows, the options for treatment decrease. Worryingly, 4 in 10 patients with an E.coli bloodstream infection in England cannot be treated with the most commonly used antibiotic in hospitals. Antibiotics are essential to treat serious bacterial infections, such as meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis, but they are frequently being used to treat illnesses, such as coughs, earache and sore throats that can get better by themselves. Taking antibiotics encourages harmful bacteria that live inside you to become resistant. That means that antibiotics may not work when you really need them. It is estimated that at least 5,000 deaths are caused every year in England because antibiotics no longer work for some infections and this figure is set to rise with experts predicting that in just over 30 years antibiotic resistance will kill more people than cancer and diabetes combined. The ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign urges the public to always trust their doctor, nurse or pharmacist’s advice as to when they need antibiotics and if they are prescribed, take antibiotics as directed and never save them for later use or share them with others. The campaign also provides effective self-care advice to help individuals and their families feel better if they are not prescribed antibiotics. Professor Paul Cosford, Medical Director at Public Health England, comments: Antibiotic resistance is not a distant threat, but is in fact one of the most dangerous global crises facing the modern world today. Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you and your family at risk of developing infections which in turn cannot be easily treated with antibiotics. Without urgent action from all of us, common infections, minor injuries and routine operations will become much riskier. PHE’s ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign helps to explain the risks of antibiotic resistance to the public. It is important for people to understand that if they are feeling under the weather and see their GP or a nurse, antibiotics may not be prescribed if they are not effective for their condition, but they should expect to have a full discussion about how to manage their symptoms. Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, comments: Without effective antibiotics, minor infections could become deadly and many medical advances could be at risk; surgery, chemotherapy and caesareans could become simply too dangerous. But reducing inappropriate use of antibiotics can help us stay ahead of superbugs. The public has a critical role to play and can help by taking collective action. I welcome the launch of the ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign, and remember that antibiotics are not always needed so always take your doctor’s advice. Health Minister Steve Brine said: Following on from the global Call to Action conference held this month, we are asking people to help so we can make sure antibiotics keep working. This government is firmly committed to combatting drug resistant infections and refuses to allow modern medicine to grind to a halt – simple steps can make a huge difference. Dr Chris Van Tulleken, TV and of infectious diseases doctor at University College London Hospitals, comments: As an infectious diseases doctor, I see first-hand what happens if antibiotics don’t work – and it’s scary. Antibiotics are not just vital for treating serious bacterial infections, they’re needed to help with other treatments like chemotherapy. Antibiotic resistance is a problem that will affect every one of us, so we all have a role to play. As GPs we are often asked to prescribe antibiotics by patients who think that they will cure all their ills. The reality is that antibiotics are not always needed so you shouldn’t expect to be prescribed them by your doctor or nurse. Always take their advice and remember that your pharmacist can recommend medicines to help with your symptoms or pain. Public Health England’s new campaign is part of a wider cross-government strategy, involving the agricultural, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, which tackles the threat of antibiotic resistance by increasing supply and reducing inappropriate demand. To help keep this precious resource in the fight against infections working, the public are asked to play their part and urged to always take their doctor, nurse or pharmacist’s advice on antibiotics. For further information on antibiotics, their uses and the risk of resistance, search ‘NHS Antibiotics’ online. The campaign will run from Monday 23 October across England for 8 weeks and will be supported with advertising, partnerships with local pharmacies and GP surgeries, and social media. Additional data from Public Health England’s ESPAUR report accord amoxicillin illustrates: * four in 10 patients with an E.coli bloodstream infection in England cannot be treated with the commonest antibiotic (co-amoxiclav) used in hospitals; in addition, almost 1 in 5 of these bacteria were resistant to at least 1 of 5 other key antibiotics * of the 1 million antibiotic resistant bacteria causing urinary tract infections identified in NHS laboratories in 2016, trimethoprim resistance was very common (37%) but the current recommended first line treatment, nitrofurantoin, remains effective (3%) * between 2012 and 2016, antibiotic prescribing reduced by 5%, when measured as defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants per day * the number of antibiotic prescriptions dispensed in General Practice decreased by 13% between 2012 and 2016 (-2% from 2015 to 2016) * dental practices dispensed 1 in 5 fewer prescriptions in 2016 compared to 2012 and more than 99% of prescribed antibiotics were in accordance with dental treatment guidelines * hospital prescribing has increased year on year, but has reduced use of the last resort antibiotics (piperacillin/tazobactam and carbapenems) by 4% between 2015 and 2016. Self-care advice provided by the ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign in leaflets and materials distributed in GP surgeries and pharmacies across England includes: * ask your pharmacist to recommend medicines to help with symptoms or pain * get plenty of rest * drink enough fluids to avoid feeling thirsty * use paracetamol if you or your child are uncomfortable as a result of fever – which is a sign of the body fighting infection, and normally gets better by itself in most cases * use tissues for your nose and wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading your infection to family and friends. The campaign is part of a wider cross-government strategy to help preserve antibiotics. The government’s UK Five Year Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2013 to 2018 set out aims to improve the knowledge and understanding of AMR, conserve and steward the effectiveness of existing treatments, and stimulate the development of new antibiotics, diagnostics and novel therapies. In July 2014, the Prime Minister announced a review of antimicrobial resistance chaired by the economist Jim O’Neill. The subsequent report, published in 2016, recommended a number of actions to be taken globally to manage the rise of antimicrobial resistance, including public awareness campaigns. PHE’s ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign targets the general public and is aligned Antibiotic Guardian which urges healthcare professionals and engaged members of the public to take one of a number of pledges to help personal and organisational commitment to preserve antibiotics. The discovery of penicillin, one of the world’s first antibiotics, marks a true turning point in human history — when doctors finally had a tool that could completely cure their patients of deadly infectious diseases.
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