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These organisms are not susceptible to this class of penicillins. Anaerobic activity ranges from minimal to none and gram-negative activity is virtually nonexistent.

Because of the need for improved coverage against gram-negative organisms, further manipulation of the side chain was conducted.

By adding an amino group to the basic penicillin compound, the aminopenicillins were developed. The spectrum of activity against gram-positive organisms is similar to that of the natural penicillins. These agents retain activity against streptococcal sp. and have slightly greater activity against Enterococcus  (ampicillin) and Listeria monocytogenes  versus the natural penicillins. The added side chain does not, however, inhibit hydrolysis by Staphylococcal  penicillinases or gram-negative beta-lactamases. The enhanced spectrum of these drugs includes activity against gram-negative bacilli,



coli , Proteus mirabilis , Salmonella  sp., and Shigella  sp. These drugs were developed in the 1960s and were, at that time, very effective against these organisms. Presently, however, many strains of these gram-negative organisms are resistant to ampicillin.

Combinations of an aminopenicillin plus a beta-lactamase inhibitor, such as clavulanic acid or sulbactam, are useful for treatment of infections caused by beta-lactamase producing organisms.

A carboxyl group substitution in place of the amino group yields penicillin compounds that


a greater gram-negative spectrum of action, including activity against


aeruginosa , most likely due to increased bacterial penetration through the cell wall. Carbenicillin and ticarcillin are the two drugs in this class.

Their spectrum of activity includes that of ampicillin, while also encompassing Enterobacter , Providencia , Morganella , indole-positive Proteus , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa , with ticarcillin having slightly greater activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Â


carbenicillin (19).

Coverage against Klebsiella  and Serratia  are


predictable and, unlike ampicillin, these compounds have little activity against Enterococcus . These agents are not effective against beta-lactamase producing organisms unless combined with a beta-lactamase inhibitor (e.g. In order to increase gram-negative coverage and particularly coverage against Pseudomonas aeruginosa , a ureido group addition to the penicillin structure produces the compounds azlocillin and mezlocillin. A ureido group plus a piperazine side chain produces piperacillin. The gram-negative coverage of this class of penicillins includes that of the carboxypenicillins, plus coverage against Klebsiella , Serratia , Enterobacter , Enterococcus , and increased anaerobic coverage (228).

The activity against Streptococci is slightly less that of the natural penicillins and ampicillin. Of the drugs in this class, piperacillin has the most activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa  (52, 255). As with the carboxypenicillins, drugs in this class are susceptible to inactivation by bacterial beta-lactamase production, unless combined with a beta-lactamase inhibitor (e.g.

When choosing an antimicrobial agent and designing appropriate dosing regimens for the drug, it is important to consider spectrum of activity, but also incorporate known pharmacodynamic principles about the drug. In this manner, efficacy can potentially be maximized while toxicity can be minimized. Some excellent reviews on these concepts have been published (71, 76).

Such pharmacodynamic variables that are important to consider for the penicillins includes concentration-independent bactericidal activity, the post-antibiotic effect (PAE), and the duration of the dosing interval the drug’s serum concentrations spend above the level of the organism’s MIC (Time > MIC).

All beta-lactam drugs (including the penicillins) exert relatively concentration-independent bactericidal activity, meaning that the concentration of drug does not appreciably affect its ability to exert an antibacterial effect (25, 209).

This assumes, however, that a level that exceeds the organism’s MIC is attained.

Theoretically, the bactericidal rate at 2 times above the MIC or 4 times above the MIC would be the same.

However, once the


concentration falls below the level of the MIC and the PAE has ceased, the kill rate diminishes. Time > MIC is therefore the important determinant of outcome for these drugs. A paradoxical phenomenon of decreased effect with higher drug concentrations, known as the “Eagle effect”, has been described with some strains of streptococci and staphylococci (111).

This effect, however, does not appear to be clinically significant, as there is very limited data to support decreased bactericidal activity in vivo  due to high serum concentrations. Another factor that may influence bactericidal activity is bacterial inoculum size. Generally, the more dense the bacterial population (i.e.

the older the infection), it is more likely that there will be resistant variants of the organism present. This may be the case with nosocomial gram-negative pneumonias or other serious infections. Treatment with a penicillin as monotherapy may result in a relapse after completion of therapy when the resistant sub-variants are no longer suppressed and begin to regrow. This scenario is not unique to the penicillins, and in fact may occur with other antibiotics when used as monotherapy.

The bactericidal activity of the penicillins does not appear to be affected by changes in pH or oxygen tension.

The location of the organism is important, however, as in vitro efficacy may not correspond to in vivo  efficacy. Penicillins and other beta-lactams do not penetrate well into phagocytes (104), thus limiting


ability to kill intracellular pathogens.

In addition, penicillins only exert their bactericidal effect on bacteria that are actively replicating. Combinations of a beta-lactam plus another agent, such as an aminoglycoside, kill some organisms most effectively.

Synergy is defined as an effect, such as bactericidal activity, that is significantly greater with the combination than the sum of the two agents when used alone.

The mechanism of this effect with penicillins and aminoglycosides may be due to cell wall disruption by the penicillin, facilitating increased entry of the aminoglycoside into the bacteria (158). Enterococcal endocarditis is such an example, as penicillin monotherapy results in bacteriostatic activity and very high relapse rates after treatment (149), while the combination of penicillin plus an aminoglycoside is bactericidal (157). Other organisms for which synergy seems to be important with regard to the penicillins includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Again, a combination of an antipseudomonal penicillin plus an aminoglycoside may result in increased bactericidal activity.

This has been demonstrated in vitro  and animal studies (5, 77, 118), but there is limited data in humans to support these findings. In vitro  synergy between




penicillins (azlocillin, mezlocillin) and ciprofloxacin has also been demonstrated (153, 178, 225). Immunocompromised patients are a population who may benefit the most from antipseudomonal synergy.

There is data to suggest that synergistic combination therapy results in increased survival versus non-synergistic combinations of drugs (124, 130, 204).

Antibacterial antagonism is defined as a resulting effect that is significantly less in combination than with either of the two drugs when used as monotherapy.

This effect has been demonstrated with the


in combination with chlortetracycline in patients with pneumococcal meningitis, when penicillin monotherapy was more effective that the combination of agents (133).

Combinations of penicillin plus chloramphenicol have demonstrated in vitro  antagonism against pneumococci (188), however, clinically this may be of little importance since the


only diminished penicillins bactericidal


(resulting in bacteriostatic activity) and chloramphenicol retains its antibacterial effect. Also, the use of chloramphenicol has decreased dramatically in the last decade due to the availability of newer agents that are equally efficacious and less toxic.

Antagonism can also occur due to a physical incompatibility with inactivation between two drugs when infused together. This can occur with carbenicillin or ticarcillin with an aminoglycoside. These drugs should therefore not be mixed in the same infusion.

The PAE is defined as a persistent suppression of bacterial growth after effective exposure to an antimicrobial agent when serum concentrations of the drug have fallen to levels below the MIC. This effect differs between infecting organisms and between drugs.

The mechanism of the PAE is not entirely clear, but may be due to persistent binding of the penicillin to penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and the time that is necessary for the organism to resynthesize new PBPs (218). The PAE was first noted with penicillin G and Staphylococcus aureus  (179), when it was noted that there was a short


of time where bacterial regrowth did not occur after exposure to the drug.

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